Originally Posted by SniperHF
This was something I talked about on the other thread. I think this is more related to maps then anything else. Every map is a 4 player map. What I want to see is the map change based on the level of forces involved. That was my main suggestion for having battles of varying scope.

That is a pretty good point. I feel that starting units don't matter at all, but maybe on a map designed for 2 players that's quite a bit closer quarters might make starting troops matter more. As it is by the time your units reach the middle of the map your opponent already has a significant production capacity going and by the time you can reach their base they already have mass unit production up. On a smaller map that midpoint IS their base so you can hit them before production goes up.

I thought of what you said and re watched the "WTF is..." preview again and saw that the map was small enough that if he brought in a large force (which he did) he could use his starting army to really hammer the AI despite rarely building anything of value and really just using what he did build as reinforcements to his main force.

Taking a fresh look at the preview videos, if that size of map stays the norm, it could work as is (although I still like the older prices better. Slows things down too much with everything so expensive). I would have to actually test a 'normal map' (if the size of map in the preview vids are indeed the 'norm' for 2 players) to really be sure. But you might be right, the size of the map might be a real factor in making starting troops not really matter.

My main concern is for SP. So if those maps are balanced fine for starting forces (about the size of the few maps we've seen in preview vids throughout the campaign) then I'll probably be a happy camper. Kudos for pointing that point out though SniperHF. Maybe I'm just not liking it because we are dealing with such large maps (designed for 4 players) instead of the more bite sized ones (2 players).

Last edited by Ravenhoff; 20/07/13 06:49 AM.