Surprise! A new beta update!

We read and heard you regarding the end of battle rules and are working on changing the system, but that's probably only going to be in tomorrow. In the meantime however, here are a couple of sweet changes that increase stability, take care of some long standing requests and in general make your dragon life better.
- Added "Show map" button to battle menu
- Fixed shadow artifacts when zoomed out in combat
- Added more information to tooltips in battle menu
- Pathfinding issues fixes for boats
- Iron clads can attack sea build sites now
- Double clicking a unit will only select the units of the same type on-screen
- Added "Skip" and "Continue" button to auto-resolve
- Mouse-button to pan the camera in strategy phase is configurable now
- Fixed mouse-click_through issues on some UIs
- Hunters will shoot the dragon now with rockets
- Fixed stability issues for polyphormed units
- Ocean files do not give affinity anymore
- Cards that are played correctly undo now
- Several smaller stability fixes
Have fun!