Originally Posted by LordCrash
The problem is:

1) There is the possibility of abusing cheap units like troopers to break the balance on the campaign map (like a glitch). Like Stabbey wrote: you lose less units weithed in gold than the enemy with the bigger army....

I agree. However, if you adjust the autoresolve in such a way that it prohibits such a possibility, this problem you mention will remain NEVERTHELESS. Then, your opponent can still attack you with one single trooper and choose to fight the battle - the outcome will be the same as it is now with autoresolve. Just adjusting autoresolve does NOT eliminate the problem of ninja troopers.

Originally Posted by LordCrash

2) There is the intention to "force" people to engage in RTS which is bad decision in itself. If I don't like RTS that much there shouldn't be any mechanism "by design" which let me worse off. At least the game should give me the possiblity to avoid that. Else people who don't like RTS gaming that much will be forced to play the battles on the field which is perhaps not what they initially wanted. Sure, you can always reduce game difficulty. But that's not the best solution imo.

Why do you think that you are forced to engage in RTS by the autoresolve now? For an average player it yields pretty much the same results as actually fighting the battle. If you are better than average, you should either do battles yourself to achieve better results or just accept autoresolve. As I have already written, that is exactly the point of the player's ability. In contrast, if you adjust the autoresolve in such a way that it yields better results than an average player would achieve in the battle, then you will rather force the people to do autoresolve rather than fighting an RTS.

Originally Posted by LordCrash

3) The mechanic which motivate yourself to engage in combat would be even better WITHOUT the RTS in autoresolve. When you have a clear 0% chance to win (or 5% or something) and you still want to attack a country there is no other way than engaging yourself in battle. On the other hand: with RTS involved in autoresolve the motivation to engage in combat is ALWAYS the same. Is that better than the way without RTS involved in autoresolve where you are more motivated to engage with a small chance to win and less motivated with a big chance to win?

Why do you assume that you get a better result when you fight a battle with a big chance to win rather than autoresolve it? As far a my experience goes, I always get a comparable or even a worse result when I play RTS rather than autoresolve.