All right, Elwyn. It's not conclusive, because I haven't played nearly as many RTS rounds in this latest session as I did autoresolve ones, I didn't reach the stage where I was sending lone troopers into other territories. But I did try some battles against lone troopers with larger forces. I did typically end up losing some units, but this is the important part: The units I lost were Troopers and Shamans. That's fine. Losing a Trooper and Shaman to another Trooper is well within the bounds of reason.

It's not really possible to do this test with the exact conditions of an autoresolve, because the RTS battles are now all 4 players, and autoresolves are not.

I also watched some autoresolves for other units. An Armour entered a country and was pretty over-matched, a 10% chance to win. It took out a Trooper and another Armour before dying. Again, completely within expected parameters.