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#470827 02/08/13 08:47 PM
Joined: Dec 2006
Lar_q Offline OP
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I'm a bit late with the changelist but here it is. There'll be one more on monday I think and then we're good to go for release - finally ! smile


- Fixed issue where cards could be interchanged in the prepare battle stage, causing a desync
- Fixed a lot of crashes concerning poly-morphed units
- Fixed positioning of tool-tips in strategy phase
- Added new sound-banks
- Fixed issue where sounds of dragon fireballs suddenly disappear
- Fixed crash where everybody retreats from battle
- Huge performance update for strategy AI
- Added new game cursor
- Bombs are no longer target-able with skills
- Fixed filtering on cards in card menu
- Prepare battle UI shows your current gold amount now
- Leaderboards will correctly refresh now
- Allow scrolling for friend leaderboards
- Tooltips show correct cooldown now
- Fixed desync concerning dragon combat
- Fixed rare crash with infantry in kamikaze mode
- Russian / Polish / Korean keyboards work now in the game
- Fixed saving of advanced settings in MP advanced options
- Fixed several stability and performance issues

Have fun & good luck on the leaderboards!

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Ah. I take it no single player for the beta at all then? Disappointing.

Thanks for the hard work Larian! Can't wait for release.

Last edited by Nashk; 02/08/13 11:28 PM.
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Is there (or going to be) any way, a slider or something, to adjust the distance at which units become icons? It seems like it's a little short.

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Ok I ran into three bugs:

a) A desyncrhoization bug (logs sent)

b) WHen I tried to bring up dragon it kept saying i had to be by friendly troups but no matter what I did I was never by 'freidnly' troups even if hte mouse was at the main base and I had just been buildign new troups it kept giving the same error - that is impossible you need to be by friendly troups

c) Frequently it won't let me refresh the list of lobby games; it is greyed out ??

(the desynconization bug was very annoying since we had been rts fight for over 30 minutes)
Hard for me to comment otherwise; other than I suck at the rts.

Last edited by meme; 03/08/13 08:23 PM.
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I just had a rather strange rts match.

I'm playing a campaign on center mass with myself and 3 AI players, everyone is on his own, no teams.
About 3 rounds in, the first fight against an AI happened.
Both me and the AI invaded a country at the same time, with 1 hunter each.
AI played a couple of cards, so did I, the chances where about even (48-52).
Battle starts, first thing I notice, there are 4 players on the map - probably because the option to always fill enemy positions n advanced options is on.
A couple of seconds into the fight, it suddenly ends with a "draw" - I lose my hunter, and the enemy gets the country.
What just happened, and why?

P.S.: I had it happen a few times that the battle ended after a few seconds with me winning in a similar way, but could not reproduce it lately. Maye that's connected?

Last edited by El Zoido; 03/08/13 09:01 PM.
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I had a similar situation (not the draw part but the other armies); three humans and one ai playing - two of the humans (me and one other person) enter a country but the RTS battle has all four of us.
sadly our fight ended with desync error after about 30 minutes.

Last edited by meme; 03/08/13 09:20 PM.
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I just checked the advanced options again.
There's an option that fills map positions with other players and it's on by default.
Disable it and only those players that entered the map will be present (not sure about team members, though).

By the way, I could reproduce the "auto-draw" battle. If anyone's interested, I've got a save just before the fight.

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A couple people have had auto win/loose/draw screens shortly after entering combat from the strategy map. One only had the problem if there were 3 or 4 different factions; 1v1 or 2v2 matches were fine.

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I don't really like how the strategy AI focuses so much on protecting their capital. It makes it one tough nut to crack but I feel that they use too few forces to actually fight you in the rest of the map and just hoard troops in their capital.


I just finished off a campaign to fully test this overhaul of the strat map AI and I feel the strat AI is a big step back from earlier betas. In addition to the capital hoarding problem the AI has started to feel more like a roadblock to victory than an actual opponent out to win.

While before I felt that it tried flanking with transports/air units a bit too much, at least it did it. I have never seen an AI attempt to flank once in the campaign I just played. Also it defends provinces worse. Rather then keeping a few units in the backfield to defend against flanking and keeping most of it's forces on the fronts it seems to evenly spread its units across all of it's provinces (except for the capitol which has TONS of units). This means it is really easy to advance as if you have at least around 7-10 units (depending on type) you can usually sweep aside the enemies 2-3 units with almost no casualties. The AI rarely attacks in force at all. It has always tended to attack with less forces than the player but now it rarely ever uses more than 1-2 units in an attack. It also doesn't seem to take my forces into account at all (2 troopers attacking a group of 5 hunters 3 armors and 1 bomber balloon) which only seems to serve to drain their gold while my units take no casualties.

An example from my recent campaign (Medium Difficulty, Little Rivellon, 2 vs 2, I switched spot 2 and 3's factions so I was allied with slot 2 against 3 and 4). I spent the first 2 turns expanding and then the next 3 turns building up 3 groups of units. After that my 3 main groups of units slowly moved up 1 space a turn wiping out the enemies token resistance with almost no casualties. I put 2 troopers in every land behind my main 3 armies and used the rest of my gold to reinforce my 3 main armies. Very soon I had their capitol surrounded (with 15+ units in it). Now THAT was finally a tough fight and took out most of my forces to take but my economy was just so much bigger because he didn't really contest the rest of my expansion that he couldn't compete. After 3 more turns of reorganizing and reinforcing my depleted armies I repeated this trick against the remaining AI. The entire campaign took around a little over 20 turns and I never lost a single battle (and never took serious casualties except at the capitals) despite auto-resolving all but 1 RTS fight.

I don't consider myself a pro player either and actually used a fairly basic strategy (get a big mass of units and send them screaming towards the enemy capital), but that was entirely too easy. It felt a bit tougher in earlier betas where the enemy would actually attack you with more than 1-2 units at a time and actually had kept units in territories that weren't capitals as well as flank.

On another note I think that the casualties from the RTS map is bugged. I don't remember my exact force composition but I know I had 4 armors. It was a big fight where the entire population as depleted and at the end of it I had an extremely tiny army (that only had 1-2 armor units in it despite the fact that I had easily produced 40+ of them during the battle). As such I expected when I got to the post battle casualties I would lose at least 3 (if not all 4) and instead all of them survived (in fact my entire force survived). When I looked at the built/lost statistics to see what was going on they displayed a 0 in both stats for all of my units.

Edit - My thoughts after I finished a whole campaign.

Last edited by Ravenhoff; 04/08/13 08:52 AM.
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Oops, I meant to reply to this, as well:
Originally Posted by meme
b) WHen I tried to bring up dragon it kept saying i had to be by friendly troups but no matter what I did I was never by 'freidnly' troups

Did you have the camera zoomed all the way out? You should still be able to transform there, but you need to be moderately close to directly overhead.

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Figured I would use a second post as my old one was getting a bit too 'wall of text'ish. I tried a second campaign (all autoresolve) under the same conditions but on hard difficulty to see if that made a difference. I self imposed a strategy that was simply stay on the offensive 100%. Every turn I built units and send any I can at the enemy. It crumbled even faster than my last campaign. With no strategy other then pure aggression I defeated both enemies almost single-handedly in 17 turns on hard. I also only lost a single battle (and that was because I inherited 1 trooper from slot 3 when I captured their capital that had 2 grenadiers from slot 4 in the same territory). While the RTS has improved dramatically over the course of the beta the strat AI has backpedaled seriously since the last time I played a full campaign (a few betas ago although I have played bursts on other betas). Even on hard it's almost impossible to lose or even be held up unless you try to.

Last edited by Ravenhoff; 04/08/13 09:36 AM.
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Got a crash today while playing the tutorial.

[Linked Image]

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Originally Posted by Raze

A couple people have had auto win/loose/draw screens shortly after entering combat from the strategy map. One only had the problem if there were 3 or 4 different factions; 1v1 or 2v2 matches were fine.

I've only had it happen in that cases, yes.
This was the first time I could get it reliably, though.

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Ok, I seem to get fairly reliably crashes. I'd be happy to upload some kind of crash report, if this is possible.

[Linked Image]

Last edited by Darion; 04/08/13 03:05 PM.
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After the game exits you should get a 'Divinity Dragon Commander Beta' window come up where you can submit a crash report.

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Originally Posted by Raze

After the game exits you should get a 'Divinity Dragon Commander Beta' window come up where you can submit a crash report.

Nope, there is nothing like that. I just click abort when the screenshotted message pops up and that's it.

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Was trying to play again today. Campaign with two ai and a person (me and the other person were on the same team). Went to battle against an ai and for unknown reason had insta victory against the ai shortly after the fight started.
In the second fight (same game) as soon as the fight started it said we had 10 seconds to act or the game would be over and then i started builing building and stuff and when the 10 seconds counter eneded we lost hte battle - but I have NO CLUE why or what we were suppose to do to not suffer defeat
very very confusing.
third fight before i can get to the enemy to start combat it ends in victory
what the freak is going on ? It is almsot as if it is giving us a battle field but then auto-resolving ?? Btw how do you auto-resolve instead of fighting ?

Can someone explain ?

Last edited by meme; 04/08/13 07:21 PM.
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Had that happen as well. While I saw it a few times with an earlier beta, 1.0.173 seems to have (re-?)introduced a bug here.

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Originally Posted by Darion
Nope, there is nothing like that.

If you just start the game and exit when you get to the main menu, does the feedback window come up a few seconds later? Did you opt out of giving feedback when you installed the beta?

You can email, with a description of the problem and a dxdiag report.
There may be files created in the ../SteamApps/common/Dragon Commander/Shipping folder with something like minimemdump in the files name (had some crashes in an earlier beta, but the files have been cleaned up and I don't recall the exact names), but I haven't seen support request those be manually sent (they are sent by the feedback program).

In the ../Dragon Commander/_CommonRedist/vcredist folder, try reinstalling the Visual C++ redistributable files.

Originally Posted by meme
what the freak is going on ?

A bug with the victory condition detection.

When going to battle on the campaign map against AI, if you select the army the battle will be auto-resolved, if you select the dragon you get the RTS battle. In multi-player against people, if anyone selects a dragon to lead their troops it results in an RTS battle.

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Originally Posted by Raze
Originally Posted by Darion
Nope, there is nothing like that.

If you just start the game and exit when you get to the main menu, does the feedback window come up a few seconds later? Did you opt out of giving feedback when you installed the beta?

Thank you for the suggestion. Apparently I need to click "retry" instead of "abort" when the message comes up. That solution only worked for 1 out of 2 crashes though. But anyway, I successfully completed a report, so hopefully that's enough.

Last edited by Darion; 04/08/13 11:18 PM.
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I am selecting the dragon; it still auto resolves. All fights the dragon were selected and it auto-resolved (well it started then gave an immediate timer and victory or defeat based on who had % to win). Yesterday when I played it actually entered rts.

Originally Posted by Raze

Originally Posted by meme
what the freak is going on ?

A bug with the victory condition detection.

When going to battle on the campaign map against AI, if you select the army the battle will be auto-resolved, if you select the dragon you get the RTS battle. In multi-player against people, if anyone selects a dragon to lead their troops it results in an RTS battle.

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Same as someone here, in a campaign map the single battle end with a victory or a defeat after few seconds;
And another thing, in a normal skirmish battle the population counter fall to 0 (0 population amount and 0 population limit), this happens in a middle of a battle 2 vs 2 with the AI, the strange thing is that I've a lot of troups, buildings etc.. and there is a highlighted message that tell me to build units in a minute if i want to continue the battle, of course if I sell a building to create units the counter fall to 0 again in a second with the consequent defeat after a minute.
I noticed that this message is up in the same situation of the "campaign map instant end bug".
In the end I had a crash as well yesterday during a training session in the tutorial, but it was reported with the automatic game system and this happened before the update in the afternoon (4th August), hope all this help someway, a really nice game in any case, good luck smile

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So, just need some sort of assurance about the dragon AI, I understand that the coder who is responsible for coding the dragon AI is currently still fixing the desync issue. I should be seeing the skirmish AI using the dragon some time after post release?

I like to pre-order the game but as mainly a comp stomper, it still feel like a deal breaker to me if the skirmish AI doesnt se their dragons. However, kudos on the AI upgrade, they are absolutely brutal now.

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