I'm a bit late with the changelist but here it is. There'll be one more on monday I think and then we're good to go for release - finally ! smile


- Fixed issue where cards could be interchanged in the prepare battle stage, causing a desync
- Fixed a lot of crashes concerning poly-morphed units
- Fixed positioning of tool-tips in strategy phase
- Added new sound-banks
- Fixed issue where sounds of dragon fireballs suddenly disappear
- Fixed crash where everybody retreats from battle
- Huge performance update for strategy AI
- Added new game cursor
- Bombs are no longer target-able with skills
- Fixed filtering on cards in card menu
- Prepare battle UI shows your current gold amount now
- Leaderboards will correctly refresh now
- Allow scrolling for friend leaderboards
- Tooltips show correct cooldown now
- Fixed desync concerning dragon combat
- Fixed rare crash with infantry in kamikaze mode
- Russian / Polish / Korean keyboards work now in the game
- Fixed saving of advanced settings in MP advanced options
- Fixed several stability and performance issues

Have fun & good luck on the leaderboards!