Nope, there is nothing like that.
If you just start the game and exit when you get to the main menu, does the feedback window come up a few seconds later? Did you opt out of giving feedback when you installed the beta?
You can email, with a description of the problem and a dxdiag report.
There may be files created in the ../SteamApps/common/Dragon Commander/Shipping folder with something like minimemdump in the files name (had some crashes in an earlier beta, but the files have been cleaned up and I don't recall the exact names), but I haven't seen support request those be manually sent (they are sent by the feedback program).
In the ../Dragon Commander/_CommonRedist/vcredist folder, try reinstalling the Visual C++ redistributable files.
what the freak is going on ?
A bug with the victory condition detection.
When going to battle on the campaign map against AI, if you select the army the battle will be auto-resolved, if you select the dragon you get the RTS battle. In multi-player against people, if anyone selects a dragon to lead their troops it results in an RTS battle.