Originally Posted by IkkouSoryu
Of course land advantage will result in economy advantage, that's how it SHOULD be.

Real problem here is that AI doesn't actively expand and doesn't fortify its provinces. This needs fixing. The other "fixes" will just further delay advanced units and cut away tactical variance

Agreed. I don't mind the snowball effect but if the AI is only putting up a token resistance then it's way too easy. I think rather than some "fix" the AI seems to just need a serious tweak to really build up and fortify areas. It might be just my imagination or me getting better but did the AI seem better in earlier betas? As of right now the MP campaign against AI's is way too easy regardless of difficulty.

As for Stabbeys comments about transport invasion I halfway agree. At least in my game in previous betas (not this one) the AI launched a fair bit of naval invasions. They were small but they served their purposes of making me spread thin with 2-4 units in every territory otherwise that 2 trooper + transport group could actually break through. The problem is they don't seem to exist anymore (2 full campaigns and aside from capturing the neutral islands there was no naval actions). I don't think every invasion needs to be like D-Day and I don't really like that idea as it would take too many units off the land fronts but some kind of invasions back would be nice. That said chapter 2 of the main campaign seems much more 'islandy' so hopefully the AI will be able to launch huge assaults then.

Originally Posted by IkkouSoryu
Then again, in RTS mode you can turn into Dragon demigod and annihilate armies so trying to balance AI without removing that is a little futile in my eyes.

I disagree. The RTS AI is getting fairly good and can defeat a player with a dragon now. The player will still usually win but if you go in with stacked odds the dragon can't completely turn the tides. It does give the player an advantage, but not a huge one.