Same as someone here, in a campaign map the single battle end with a victory or a defeat after few seconds;
And another thing, in a normal skirmish battle the population counter fall to 0 (0 population amount and 0 population limit), this happens in a middle of a battle 2 vs 2 with the AI, the strange thing is that I've a lot of troups, buildings etc.. and there is a highlighted message that tell me to build units in a minute if i want to continue the battle, of course if I sell a building to create units the counter fall to 0 again in a second with the consequent defeat after a minute.
I noticed that this message is up in the same situation of the "campaign map instant end bug".
In the end I had a crash as well yesterday during a training session in the tutorial, but it was reported with the automatic game system and this happened before the update in the afternoon (4th August), hope all this help someway, a really nice game in any case, good luck