Originally Posted by Stabbey
I'm not disputing that the strategy map AI could stand improvement.

But clearly you need to bump the difficulty and number of enemies up. No point on playing on medium against 1 guy when you've got more skills, right?

What im trying to demonstrate, is that it doesnt take anything else but mercenary cards, and spamming units to win(because you can, since u get a LOT of gold, cards, tech rp each turn, and because thats all the mp campaign is. Send units and thats all, no diplomacy, no politics, nothing. Just spam units and use merc cards.), which makes the whole mp campaign shallow. This isn't about how the ai reacts.

This is also the case in pvp. Against a large army, most cards become useless, except for merc cards. And all you have to do, is spam units and send it against your opponent.

Now if you gained gold a lot more slowly at first, and if you could forge alliances, use politics to improve the inner workings of your empire, like gold gain, etc., add turn time to research and units, that would make the whole mp campaign a whole lot better. Because than,you'd actually have to think which techs u want or which units to make or where to send them. As it is, it's nothing but a spamfest of unit making, building ,and card aquiring. The person who spams the larger army, has the more territory wins.

Because they removed these things from mp campaign, it made it really unbalanced.

Last edited by Zolee; 05/08/13 10:25 PM.