Operating System:
Windows 8
CPU Type:
Intel® Core™ i7-4900MQ CPU @ 2.80GHz
CPU Speed:
2.82 GHz
System Memory:
34.24 GB
Main Graphics card:
nvidia geforce gtx 780m
Video Card Model:
Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600
Video Card Memory:
1.88 GB
Desktop Resolution:
Hard Disk Size:
2 TB
Hard Disk Free Space:
1.67 TB (84%)
The game is unbearably slow. And remains somewhat slow even on absolute lowest settings. I can run Farcry 3 and Crysis 3 on ultra and receive no lag. But this game is beyond lag, it's unplayable at ultra and suffers at low.
EDIT: Solved, the auto-detect settings in the Nvidia control panel were the issue, it defaulted to my crummy intel card instead of my nvidia.
Last edited by Vault; 06/08/13 09:46 AM.