So I'm in one of the RTS battles, things are going well and I have my nice relatively diverse army holding onto an area (5 deployed devastators etc.) while I'm in dragon form off doing dragony stuff and picking off a small group of enemy trying to pilfer one of my points. I notice a few blips heading towards my army and figure that no big deal my artillery will squidge them up nicely. I finish off what I'm barbecuing with my dragon, drop form and pop back to my army to move them up just in time to see that those blips turned out to be 3 warlocks who had cloaked, and started doing their rain of "KILL ALL THE THING" move, which proceeded to turn my nice force into around 6 guys crying and holding each other.
I understand that casters are generally seen as a force multiplier type unit, but something that can go invisible and launch an attack that absolutely devastates your forces? They don't even need to be invisible, I've seen 2 of them come up to my forces escorted by 5 or so shamans. All I could see was little blue bubbles and then my force got torn up again. I've also had battles that I swear at least half the enemy force was warlocks, and it was nigh on impossible to even take a force out of my main base without them being shredded by these evil things. Oh and not to mention this is on the EASY difficulty no less (Does the hard AI use ONLY warlocks?

What's the best way to deal with these bastards? Do I just need to keep a throwaway group of troopers out front to bait them into wasting their rain of death? I've tried to put hunters (with the cloak detect ability) out in front of my line but they seem to love charging off and getting absolutely murdered instead of staying put and protecting my devvies and providing stealth detect. I've taken to just using my own force multiplier (my big dragon arse) to do the majority of the work when warlocks start hitting the field but cripes I shouldn't have to fight the entire war myself cause of one unit ability, even though jetting around roasting things is quite enjoyable.