Originally Posted by Gisol
But there's nothing written about the imperial edition anywhere.

I'll check on that.

Originally Posted by Freakydemon
So is there no way to get the Imperial Edition from GOG via KS backing?

There was a mistake with the GOG codes for some D:OS backers; the Larian Vault download was a quick fix while they sorted that out.

You can contact GOG support to get it on your GOG account. From the GOG DC release topic:
Anyone who backed the Original Sin Kickstarter and claimed his or her copy of Divinity: Dragon Commander on GOG and *didn't* get the Imperial Edition code issued, please contact Support and we will give you a free code for the DLC. In the subject of your ticket, please put, "Imperial Edition Upgrade for Kickstarter Backer".

Larian is working on a fix for the save compatibility issue with the GOG version.