Yeah, if the Warlock dies, the spell is immediately cancelled.

Was this patched in? Because this is definitely not the case in my game (

Warlocks are nasty, but the Shamans are worse. Their defensive ability allows the front-line units to absorb punishment as they approach and then they charm your most powerful units, forcing you to kill them as quickly as possible or else suffer massive damage at the hands of your own units. Losing devastators or juggernaught is catastrophic (although sometimes they'll comically charm everything and you can just wait out the timer)

Overall I'm very surprised to see twitch-micromanagement abilities like these in the game. When you're in dragon form, your units are basically helpless against these special abilities. I'd have to agree that sniping them with your dragon is the best bet, but failing that mustard gas from a zepplin is the best defense.