I think I know whats up with the golden dragon skin now, or at least what I thought was an issue. The single player campaign you use the default skin, while in any other skirmish match, it's golden?
I thought there was a bug, but for a few days I haven't been paying much attention to the skirmish maps yet, as I have been to the campaign :P
In my opinion, golden dragon skin if available, should be offered for the campaign too! - It looks much nicer than the regular skin for one thing, why not? Also makes me feel better that I can see the golden dragon fly about regardless of being in multiplayer or whatever. :P
The golden skin works fine for me in the single player campaign. Well, except that one time where I had to start a new campaign to get it to work. Not sure if they fixed it yet, so it might still be random whether or not it will be applied.