Personally, and I know some will not like me for this, but I'd rather they delay the release of the game to ensure everything has been added and is working, and that the majority of bugs have been squished. I've gone through too many rushed games that get released buggy as hell and are a nightmare to deal with till they get patched (if they get patched) - not to mention they get absolutely slammed and trashed by reviews, critics, players.... and end up not selling well and being a big failure.

I'd much rather Larian release a complete game that has been well QA tested that will get reviewed by critics, reviewers & players for the game it is (whether it actually ends up good or bad (obviously I'm hoping for good! lol)), rather than rushing to meet a deadline and getting trashed for it. Because it doesn't matter if they are able to fix issues after launch - the review's and reputation will already be out there regarding the game.

Regarding Dragon commander - I find it a refreshing change from the usual type of games I play. It's different, unique and I find it mostly fun - the rts is weak, but that's fine as I suck at rts' anyways. I'm a 'die-hard' RPG gamer/fan... but I didn't expect a heavy or deep rpg in D:DC, thus enjoyed what I got in it. I call myself 'die-hard' seeing as I've put 1,000+ hours into BG 1 & 2, 400+ hours into Fallout 1 & 2, ~400 hours into Fallout: New Vegas, 800+ hours into PlaneScape: Torment, etc.