A non-mountable mount and ever popular NPC escort quest… :P Nice Choices 'n Consequences, though.
It would be funny if you use magic in the village and people start attack you for just healing someone.
In Shadow of Amn, the party would be attacked if they used magic-even harmless ones-in the city. I was tired of being warned and finally decided to fight them off. At that stage, my party was relatively strong and beat every law enforcement squad till they finally gave up, which was oddly satisfying.
Unless my memory is failing me it was possible to just buy a license to use magic from the Cowled Wizards, which shouldn't have been out of reach by the time you are strong enough to actually fight them. Unless, of course, you just enjoyed kicking those guys to the curb (for which I couldn't really blame you

Though for me personally the magic ban in Athkatla was never much of an issue as there's not that many battles that happen in the streets that are really problematic without magic (and I had 4 magic users in my party...), the Gith (if you get to meet them) and the vampires being notable exceptions (but that, again, is pretty late in the main storyline)