Just played it for the last hour. Here are a couple of things I noticed, hope it's okay to post it here:
- The first time I talked to Scarlett as Roderick, she told me to sheathe my weapon. Are they supposed to say that to each other?
- It's often hard to scroll down because most of the bottom edge of your screen will usually not respond to your mouse. I suppose this has something to do with the presence of the skill bar, but it's a little annoying. Similarly, you can't scroll if your mouse is to the right of the minimap. This is less of a problem since it takes up a smaller area.
- I found a bunch of fish all swimming in exactly the same pattern, near the bridge with the two soldiers

- The Sergeant murdered me for taking an apple. It seems a little excessive, shouldn't he at least try to arrest me first?
- There are no descriptions for the status effects of the various types of consumables, even after you use them. I assume they will add this, though.
Been having fun, even though I forgot to quicksave and basically have to start over after being summarily executed for apple theft.