Thanks Eric that was nearly everything i wanted to say
Originally Posted by EricB WoOS
Per request my overview whicht I've posted in a seperate thread.

Character creation
- If you go back to the menu in the creation screen, the game crashes.
- Maybe this was me, but for the life of me I couldn't figure out where the skills where located. So I couldn't choose starting skills, something I would expect when there is a custom option.
- Some talents give clear %, others just a vague indication of what they do. This makes it really hard to decide which one is the better option, or suits you better.
- Quick-witted, the talent which gives 10 % more xp, seems a must-take in a game where the enemies are finite. Talents that everyone should take are generally better avoided in a game.
- Fleetfooted and Rosy Cheeks appear to be the same in their description.
- When I chose the talent which increased my overall health, I didn't start with full health.

General impressions and gameplay encounters
- When I shoot a fireball in a pond with fish, the water evaporates, but the fish keep swimming on the sand.
- I killed the two starting legonaires and the orcs on the beach. The legonaires whom I saved actually had a bad attitude towards me, even though they didn't see me kill the other two.
- The map resets everytime I load a game or go upstairs or downstairs in some areas, meaning I have to explore everything again.
- When I go up or down stairs/hatches etc., the other character teleports to a seemingly random spot in my vicinity instead of following me.
- I found a lot of the same items. (In my case maybe a dozen of the same amulet.)
- Amulets and ring can be sold for a substantial higher amount than weapons and the like. Even rings without any stats could be sold for over a 100.
- There are two ringslots, yet I could only equip one ring.
- It doesn't matter if you die because of traps, as long as the other character survives. This makes disarming them simply a case of triggering the trap with just one character.
- As soon as you have the healing spell, there is no more need for any other kind of out of combat healing.
- Slipping on a surface can cost someone a good 3 turns in combat. This felt a bit overpowered. Also, out of combat the whole slipping thing is very annoying.
- A lot of skills lack any sort of explanation. For example I had no idea what Inspire, the fighter skill, was supposed to do.
- In my experience, the game is too easy. I managed to beat a party of level 5 + 6 Orcs, led by a gigantic one, with my 2 level 4 characters.
- The inventory still has a long way to go, I'd love an autosort.
- Make Esc be able to close any open window, like crates or the journal, before going to the menu.
- I tried eating a fish, which gave my character a temporary intelligence boost. Since a higher intelligence means more ability points when you gain a level, this would mean that everyone would try and eat a fish just before that last bit of xp needed to gain a level. Most people will probably load again and again till they succeed. I'd make it a permanent one-time bonus or make it so temporary bonuses don't count to stuff like this.

Unbalanced features
- All the figther skills cost 5 ap, with a 4 turn cooldown. A lot of spells cost 3 ap, with a 1 turn cooldown. This combined with some other things (listed below), made me feel like a mage is the much stronger class at the moment.
- Intelligence governs how much ability points a character get each level. Since intelligence seems more important for a mage, this gives the mage a huge advantage. Being able to invest 3 points more each leven in for example fire spells, feels like a bit too much.
- Combine the above point with the intelligence requirment on rings and amulets and I see no reason not to start with a mage.

I've encountered some more things this morning. I'll put those is a different post.

What i didn't like (most of it should be because of alpha state but maybe you haven't thought about it)
-Empty areas there is no need for more enemies just more living stuff...for example when having many dead npcs at one spot put some animals in it that feed on them.

Minor Bugs i can't remember have been mentioned:
-Framedrops in some Areas (from 45 to 10) i know it's an unoptimized alpha so...
-some Weapons should scale to the character found a bow that was twice the size of my char.
-the second character (female) is always somewhere else when i "use" stairs...if i play my female char the other one (male) is where he should be after i used "stairs"

More to the balance a Warrior seems bad atm
-4 ap to hit only 7 to move...(meele and warrior skills must be cheaper)
-My rogue can kill 3-4 enemies in one round while my warrior will never reach one...
-Rogue Skills like multishot are way op (they have to cost more)
-way to easy overall

Last edited by robertb; 18/12/13 08:43 PM.