Originally Posted by Chedden
The game with a mage is really too easy.
I stopped use fireball, because I one shot absolutly all the ennemy with this spell.

So, my warrior is useless : he's very slow, and never come into contact with ennemy ==> He have no xp (lvl 3 vs mage lvl 6).

Yeah, the balance between the classes is way off. It wouldn't be such a big problem if they would have shared XP instead of the "last hit gets all XP"- System. I really hope they change that.

Im currently running a Dual Mage Setup, both with maxed Fire, one with maxed Air and the other with Water and that combination absolutely destroys everything.

I find the mage in general to be far better than the other classes due to the fact that Int gives you 1 Skillpoint more per Levelup. As a Warrior or Ranger you need Dex/Str/Con aswell, but as a Mage you can just dump everything into int and you get twice the Talentpoints of the other classes, making them even stronger every levelup. This really needs balancing.

My suggestion would be:
-remove Int giving extra Points for Levelup.
-shared Xp for both characters (if a Enemy gives you 100 XP, both get 50)
-shared Gold instead of having it as a stack in each of their inventories, even Baldur's Gate had that 15! Years ago...

And as a Sidenote: i know many people don't like this, but i would like to have respawning enemies, or some kind of Random encounters, so if your Characters feel a little too weak you can "grind" some XP or Gold to make them stronger.

Last edited by Trance; 19/12/13 11:01 AM.