Very nice change-list, thanks a lot to the guys at Larian for putting this out before xmas.

Hopefully with some of the more glaring problems fixed, we'll see some more useful feedback in this forum rather than just having a lot of people commenting on the same few things that the devs probably already know about... (not saying that all the feedback has been like this, and I guess people will post their first impressions along these lines before getting into the more detailed stuff so it should improve over time anyways)

Plan to continue my testing as soon as I get enough free time...

EDIT: Went to listen to the menu music mentioned in the posts above - it's really awesome. It somehow reminds me of Joe Hisaishi's music, although that may just be as I'm a massive Studio Ghibli fan xD

Last edited by Loxorz; 19/12/13 10:17 PM.