Originally Posted by sear
Kirill is a fantastic composer and has made some of my favorite soundtracks of all time. He is not at all a "typical" composer and he does not do "typical" orchestral scores, and that's what makes his music stand out so well. He's created tons of catchy and memorable, even beautiful pieces and I think Original Sin's soundtrack is as good as any of his other work, if not better.

If you've never played a Divinity game it might not be what you're expecting. But perhaps you need to realize that the Divinity series was never especially typical either.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

In fact, I don't think I've ever heard any of Kirill's music that I did NOT love. He's like Nobuo Uematsu--a composer with a lot of talent and a very unique, distinctive style that is a perfect fit for games.