Just saw something neat happen:

I was about to engage the first undead house in the western encounter Warrior Scarlett and Ranger Rod were just outside the battle range, so I decided to try and get Scarlett in closer so she wouldn’t have to waste as many AP moving. So I had her sneak in and she got behind the Undead archer. Her first strike started combat, and the Archer attacked the ooze barrel like it always does. But my attack hadn’t broken stealth, so lacking any targets, his next attack was to his last target, the remains of the dead barrel. I finished the guy off and realized that Rod hadn’t engaged in combat. I was still stealthed and snuck up and attacked the mage. The mage didn’t see me, but a swordsman, attracted by the ruckus did go to investigate what was attacking the mage, so he walked up and finally I was spotted. That’s when the neat thing happened:

Now that my Stealth had failed, Rod was now in combat, and he automatically walked up and entered the combat zone, all without orders or using AP until he was in position. Nice!