
Your argument sounds rather arrogant and negative to me. I like the music even if it's in its alpha stage. Kirill is trying to break the rules and cliches as he always did in his previous works. The music might not always be what you expect from a game, but you always need a little bit of innovation to actually keep your players immersed in the gaming experience. The divinity games in itself don't follow all the standard rules for rpg games either, and i suppose this is one of the reasons it still has followers. Why would you want the soundtrack to it to follow a clearly defined pattern?
Quite funny you mention medieval music in this context. Actually not that much is known about how medieval music actually sounded at the time it was created. And besides that most pieces that have survived are Gregorian chants and other choir works. I suppose you do not want a video game soundtrack full of Gregorian chants? Probably would not make for a very epic or immersive gaming experience.
In fact, what we nowadays interpret as medieval music are 20th century constructions with perhaps a hint of instrumentation and melodic constructions based on the little we know of original medieval music. We mainly interpret it as medieval music because we learned to associate it through soundtracks to movies. It most probably doesn't sound at all like original medieval music, which is not necessarily a bad thing, because it's just part of the natural process of how things change. But for things to change you also need people doing the changes. Do not just start bashing on someone who tries to do this. At least give it a chance with an open mind, and respect the fact this is still in an unfinished stage, with room for constructive criticism, instead of just trying to disrespectfully clearing it off the table. If you're not prepared to do that, you have no business creating threads about a game soundtrack in it's alpha stage. Just go on enjoying the tons of already finished games that suit your needs.

yours sincerely,


Last edited by ForkTong; 06/01/14 07:13 PM.