- Backers of higher tiers will be refunded on their Larian vault accounts. The easiest solution is to spend the extra money on other rewards, but I *think* cash refunds are also possible, but not preferred because of the overhead implied.

- Wasn't the second key to become available when multiplayer is enabled in the build? I'm quite sure it was, but not 100%.

- Personal opinion as an alpha-tier backer: I think the decision they made benefits the game greatly, as it enables a lot more people to give feedback and report bugs and share ideas about the game. If something benefits the game, it benefits everyone playing it. Therefore I am happy about the decision to open up the alpha to all backers. I may not be part of the elite alpha backers group, but I am still part of one of the most enjoyable communities I've been in the past 29 years. hehe That's still awesome.

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sheep is the plural of sheep oops