This sounds insane to me; since when has early access imply access to a fully complete game ?
Look at some of the early access games on steam (might & magic x, gemni 2, blackguads, starbound). I will admit that D:OS is further along than M&M and BG when they first started; but it is far from beta - if you want to mince words you could call it alpha I suppose but even for alpha it seems to be lacking quite a bit in the way of mechanics and content.
I really like how blackguard has run their early access and feature wise they were much further along (towards gold) than D:OS
they mostly lacked content and fine tuning to balance.
Still I will agree that calling it alpha rather than early access might imply less hand holding on the forum.
However in context of steam early access hardly means access to a complete game (or perhaps you typo your comment?)

Originally Posted by Inanna
I have to agree with Stabbey, it sounds better and people will know what to expect (being honest to a lot of people Early Access means early access to a fully complete game, and not 'here is an alpha/beta of our game').

Last edited by meme; 16/01/14 05:17 PM.