all in coop-Mode:

- there was no reward for rescuing the lonly legionaire back to town

- no resurrecting partner possible after battle at bridge

- chargeneration with already joined coop is irritating because the joined partner can move his char around

- the companions are linked to the game-server-player only so he has to move all units save one in combat or not linked but the coop cannot link with companions

- crush-damage of branch is very high 8-20, branch with nails -38 in comparison with bow with 2-6 damage for ranger very weak (too weak)

- levelup-points skill only 3 points no longer resemble intelligence like said in description of intelligence
increasing cost is good but you should get more points for level up

- stealing is harder

- the balancing is more challenging (more fun to play)

- durability-loss is working

well done for second public alpha

Have fun