I'm new to this, hopefully my descriptions are clear enough.

Bug list:

1) Fish Thief dialogue in the market - I started it while controlling Scarlett, I then had the debate internally and both Rod and Scar chose the 'Reason' response. Scarlett won and the thief didn't take the fish, however once the dialogue box closed I was in control of Rod. I walked around a bit with him but Scarlett didn't follow me. I swapped back to Scarlett and the fish thief spoke up again saying he wouldn't steal anything and then he walked away.

2) the Crowd Warmer quest. I spoke to the crowd warmer first, then the quest giver who asked me to hire the crowd warmer for him. I went back to the crowd warmer and he asked for 6 G. The accept request was 'that seems reasonable' which I chose. I didn't have 6 Gold and the crowd warmer's dialogue reflected that. But when I checked the quest in the journal it said that I had successfully hired the crowd warmer.

3) Typo: When the mayor shows us to the library after meeting him, his dialogue in the library misspells Victoria as 'Vicotria' in the third paragraph.

4)Map - I tried to make custom markers several times but they did not stay on the map.

Love the game!