Some good stuff in that TotalBiscuit commentary except I would have thought that 'buyer beware' would have applied more to early access, not less.

Caveat emptor vs Paternalism?

Yet he ends up concluding that ultimately the power resides with us anyway and exhorts us to be more discerning (better) consumers.

It really does sound like consumer behaviour is the main problem here, especially its apparent lack of ability to effectively regulate the industry. But do we really want or need government to step in here? Rather, improving consumer engagement with early access seems to be where it's at; making it more consumer-friendly and educating consumers to make more informed choices. I notice TB didn't call for the abolish of SEA, but rather for more responsibility from all parties involved (developers, valve, the media & consumers) and ways to improve its use. I though he made some good criticisms of valve/steam in that regard to make SEA more consumer friendly, they definitely need to lift their game and we should demand that they do so.

"Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that" - Leunig