Concerning Tanks

I haven't played tons of the game yet, as I want to save up some excitement for the real deal. What I have focused on is trying to get some good builds up and running. I've noticed a few things that annoy me quite a bit - ability points, transparency and magic offense v defence.

There seems to me to be an unfair advantage to being a mages, 2H weilders and bow users when it comes to abilities, especially when compared to the Warriors who decide to go for a shield and a 1H weapon. Namely this - a mage can purchase just the one school and be perfectly proficient in combat by maxing out just the one skill. And it appears the same is true for Survivalists an 2H wielders. Where as shield wielders have to invest twice as many points. Either the option is far stronger simply because of the stats on weapons and shields, or there would appear to be an issue here. All I know for sure is this - hybrid 2H warr/ice mage is a great combination when fighting higher level opponents. It is also worth mentioning that Warriors need to invest into the Warrior skills, this seems unfair as Warriors right now have to pay as much as 4x (3x if you don't count Armor Specialist and 2x if you are wielding a 2H weapon) a mage in order to be proficient as a tank...

Second, when it comes to transparency, it would be nice to be able to see clearly what each point will do. Preferably to see what the next 10 points will do; if you can have that many. So I can plan my character out a little. How to display the info I think you would know better than me but whether you do show it or not, I'll get my hands on it, it will just be a real pain to use Cheat Engine or similar to inject some points and map it out.

And for the love of the seven, bring back some kind of magic resistance! It is very unrewarding to build tanky if there is no way to build towards magic resistance, it could be resistance against effects, or damage or both. I just think it would be good to have that in there.

Thanks for what promises to be a great game whether you listen to this or not, you haven't lost the touch as far as I have seen!

Last edited by Ithiloneth; 22/01/14 01:33 PM. Reason: Forgot to mention Way of the Warrior.