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Joined: Apr 2013
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A major bug (yes I know it's allready mentionned but it's a real pain in the ass) is the following:

"Scrolling problem still isn't fixed, the skill bar, the minimap and the party roster (during combat) still prevent your cursor from scrolling in their general area."

There is a new game update but that problem is still not fixed.

It would be nice to know which bugs are spotted by larian by this channel and which ones they allready are working on.

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Got the following issue:

One of my companions died during a fight. She died while lying on the ground because of ice. So to rescue her, I revived her, healed her a few times and used the spell (forgot the name) which teleports a target which results in fall damage to get her out of the ice area.

The whole time, the character was lying on the ground and she would not stand up. She was outside the ice area and should have been able to stand up. The only way to get her beeing able to act was to escape the fight, punch her to death again and revive her.
Maybe I'm missing sth. but I think this should not be possible.

In addition: I think that ice spells which creates an ice surface are way to powerful. I was able to control a really large group of orks for countless rounds ( I only fled from the fight because of the above issue) only using ice golems and their ice walls.

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Yeah, when you teleport a character who is downed, they won't get up ever. That's a bug.

The ice surfaces are quite powerful, but I think that's in part because the ones from a golem and ice wall are bugged and last a lot longer than they should.

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Yes, thats what I thaught. My ice field just became bigger and bigger and nothing was gone after about 30 rounds I think. At this point there is nearly no way to cross it because you fall an almost every turn when crossing ice laugh

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Originally Posted by NomekSan
Yes, thats what I thaught. My ice field just became bigger and bigger and nothing was gone after about 30 rounds I think. At this point there is nearly no way to cross it because you fall an almost every turn when crossing ice laugh

Using rain will help melt the ice.

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Hello everyone.
Stumbled upon a rather nasty bug, after I finish dialog (see screenshot) the game crashes to the desktop. Quest can not be completed. Game Version v1.0.102
[Linked Image]

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- Maybe not a bug but just something I thought I would point out as I found it odd.
Three out of four statue demons are healed by fire spells. The other elements work as I expected they would and only heal their respective demon. Maybe it's just because they are demons :P

- Can only equip one ring at a time. I assume that second slot is for rings?

- The pressure plate in the room for the quest "Another Crazed Mage" doesn't do anything despite what dialog says

- The parchment droppped by the orc shortly after entering the Black Cove, which is readable, could use a different name than "Parchment". Easy to mix up with regular "Parchment" ingredient item.

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- Graphics Bug: When an enemy attacks the Ice Elemental (whether it hits or misses), that produces a graphical glitch where the experience bar shifts to the left. It fixes itself later on, though.

- Version 1.0.102 - I spotted Scarlett as having a health of 65… out of 62. I don’t know why. Maybe because I loaded a saved game from v99? She was wearing only her starting gear. Other party members also can have health greater than their maximum.

- Bug: I was trading with Arhu. I split one Resurrection scroll off of Arhu’s stack, and the price was 151 gold. I could get the spellbook for that price, so I hit the close button. After that “Romantic +1” popped up over Scarlett (I’d split her off from the party).

- Bug: When attempting to Phoenix Dive with Madora from an outdoor area to inside a building, the damage went off on the enemies, but she seemed to stayewhere she was, until her turn ended, and then she appeared where she landed. Similar things have happened in co-op as well, but since that was entirely outside, the roof probably isn’t the issue.

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Not sure if it's been addressed, but whenever I enter battle, I get both the "battle music" and the "general" music over top of one another.

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Okay, I've completed my extensive tests of the Regenerate Spell:

Regenerate heals the target three times if:
- The target of Regenerate is the caster, Roderick, or Scarlett
- If the caster is Madora and the target is Jahan

Regenerate heals the target only twice if:
- Roderick or Scarlett cast it on Madora or Jahan.
- If the caster is Jahan and the target is Madora

Good luck figuring out that one, coders.

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The spell seems buggy in general. Sometimes I cast it and get the cooldown but no healing is received and no icon next to portrait.

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Let me start by saying what a fantastic game even in Alpha, I've never played the previous Divine Divinity games but am sure to try them out given time.
I apologise if I might mention a bug or issue previously mentioned. The bugs are also in no particular order.
Starting Game
Priority - Low
- While loading a saved game does not take long (3-5 seconds), starting a new game takes a full minute.

Character Creation.
Priority - Medium
- While stats have descriptions, there are no statistical descriptions. Thus when choosing stats, players (unless already familiar with the statistics of the game) have no idea what difference they will have between having a stat of 5 , 6, 7 etc. This could be clarified either by giving a more detailed description in the highlighted tooltip itself or by providing another window that would display such statistics as "Vitality, Max Action Points, Action Points recovered per round, Initiative Bonus" etc at character creation as opposed to in game. This would allow people an understanding of how these stats will affect their skills without needing to replay through the starting sections again (and possible again and again) as they become more familiar with the statistics. [This is not to say that people won't be playing through the starting section again and again but at least if people can inspect their stats at the start, it will give a much more detailed understanding of just how it will affect them in game.
- The same statistical descriptions would be helpful for certain abilities and talents e.g. Fleet footed and Rosy-Cheeked, to see how those abilities actually differ from one another.
Priority - Low
- Under Abilities -> Wizard -> Sorcery, when highlighted it states "Sorcery determines..."
Priority - Low
- Under Abilities -> Survivor -> Way of the Ranger, when highlighted it states "Way of the Ranger is required for your levels your ranger skills and special arrows." I believe this should be "Way of the Ranger is required for your ranger skills and special arrows." This would put its description in line with the Way of the Warrior.
Priority - Low
- Under Abilities -> Survivor -> Crafting, when highlighted it states "Crafting determines the what you can craft and the quality of your crafted items." I believe this should be "Crafting determines what you can craft and the quality of your crafted items."
Priority - Low
- When highlighting Talents, the gray bar does not cover the entire word as it does under Abilities but rather covers only a portion of the word.
Priority - Low/Medium
- The stat Intelligence seems to only affect the number of ability points you can receive as well as acting as prerequisite for certain armours (as far as I have seen playing the game so far). Rather than necessarily adding more benefits to intelligence (such as spell power etc) why not instead use it as a prerequisite for learning spells. As it stands my Range is able to learn all the same magic's as my Wizard and is able to do the same amount of damage with no wizardly training or penalty apart from needing to pay a gold cost for the book. As far as I am aware, magic should be exclusive meaning that only the smartest and strong willed should be able to learn and cast spells from memory (scrolls I do not believe should be included as needing an intelligence requirement to cast from).

In Game Issues
Priority - Low
- I'm not sure whether this was intentional or not, but the shells at the beach do not becoming highlighted as items you can interact with when holding 'Alt'. I would also suggest removing the generic "Shell" tooltip from the shells that cannot be picked up in that case or to add some sort of short text (e.g. "This shell is far too big to carry home. Besides, it looks like something has already made a home for itself inside!")
Priority - Medium
- Moving the camera with use of the "W, A, S, D" and the arrow keys, the camera often simply stops moving and then refuses to respond. This can last a few key strokes or as long as a minute before it (miraculously) starts to work for a moment or two before again failing to move the camera. This seems to also function differently in various locations, with some locations scrolling around very easily and others 'bugging out' and not moving the camera at all for x amount of time.
Priority - Medium
- The Inventory tabs for Armour, Weapons, Potions etc do not work. The inventory sorting system at the moment also appears to be broken in a few respects. There does not appear to be a clear set amount you can carry and when you attempt to carry more (unique) items than you have character slots, any new items you pick up simply disappear (this happened to be during the Evelyn quest).
- Gold does not stack. This means that you often are having to sacrifice multiple inventory slots to gold coins in stacks of 2, 57, 103, 326, 41.
Priority - Low/High
- This next one is a personal pet peeve. I would REALLY like to be able to zoom out further, especially if I have a locked camera angle. Given the opportunity, I would love for the camera to be able to go completely around if possible. I'm sure there are many other people who would agree that the "360 degree view" is awesome for any RPG. As an example, Wasteland 2 does a brilliant job with regard to camera angles and the ability to swivel the camera around on the spot.
Priority - Medium
- After completing the quest for the three sailor brothers who were looking for work by recommending them to Captain Jack, Captain Jack was not to be found in the marketplace where he originally was located. When he was needed for the continuation of the Staff of Pergamon quest, he was no longer to be found at the Market place. I'm not aware if he's meant to change locations but I would assume he should still be found within the confines of the city to continue the quest.
Priority - Medium
- Inventory Space. This needs to have a set limit (that may or may not be increased through the use of bags, sacks, boxes etc) as at the moment the limit seems to increase continually until you start to pick up items that simply go nowhere.
Priority - Low
- In the first encounter with the crabs, if you simply run towards the crabs, rather than them engaging you in a fight (and thus getting first initiative) you always seem to get to attack first, even if you blindly blundered in. Surely, even crabs would get the upper hand on the first attack when some idiot tries to walk/run past them?
Priority - Medium
- This is only an opinion but I believe that Magic spells such as flare should require more AP or otherwise have prerequisites to cast (e.g. Intelligence 6, Willpower 1). This would allow 'smarter' characters to learn a little magic without being able to cast magic as powerfully as any wizard would, which is currently what the "Level requirement" system with spells allows. The level requirement for spells itself is NOT a bad thing, however I believe it would be more balanced to add additional prerequisites: The higher and harder the spell is to cast, the more intelligence and willpower is required.
- Another option would be to allow Intelligence to lower the AP cost of spells (although this would require all spells to have a higher base AP cost (e.g. Flare = 6 AP). For example, Intelligence could then lower the AP cost by 1 for every 2 points above the base intelligence required to cast magic (lets go with 5 being the lowest base stat at the moment). Thus with 9 intelligence the spell would only cost 4 AP. This would again give wizards an advantage when using magic and require a above average intelligence to make more effective use of magic. There would however need to be a Min AP Cap in place for all spells to avoid being able to cast every spell for 1 AP should someone be able to raise their intelligence high enough. E.g. Flare starts at 6AP to cast and can go as low as 3 AP if the character achieves an Intelligence of 11 or higher.
Priority - Low/Medium
- In the starting zone on the beach, at coordinates x:427 y:92 there is an archway in the wall that you cannot pass through.
Priority - Medium
- Let me start by saying that the ambient music is great as is the combat music but variety is the spice of life and hearing the same music tunes over and over again especially some of the, for want of a better word, blander ones, can cause a number of players simply to choose to turn the music off. What I would suggest (if at all possible) would be to add additional music that would play to give a subconscious lift of "freshness" to the player, as psychologically hearing the same sounds over and over again makes you first become more desensitised to them and then progress down the path of loathing.
Priority - Low
- Many of the shells you pick up at the beach have a "Use: 1 AP" in their description yet you cannot use them in the same way as other shells (for the temp +10 Water Resist) nor do they stack, instead taking an individual space with each shell.
Priority - Medium
- Unable to combine Explosive Arrowhead + Arrow Shaft.
Priority - Low
- Little to no descriptive qualities to new areas, interesting formations and architecture, wrecked ships on the beach etc. While the visuals are FANTASTIC, a short text description or even character commenting on what they see (the way that the companions you get do) would be fantastic and great for building atmosphere and character.
Priority - Med/High
- Wizards need balancing. Lessening the damage of their spells would not help nor would a flat AP increase or increased cooldown rotation. However, a mana pool would solve that problem somewhat. E.g. Base Mana pool for a Wizard is 100, a spell such as Flare costs 15 mana. Mana regens at 5 per round and you can sacrifice AP for a Mana recharge (possibly a new ability?), e.g. 3 AP for 35 Mana. Otherwise there is little incentive in playing a ranger/warrior beyond role playing as the wizard outshines both in terms of DPS, versatility and overall use and currently can easily learn to use weapons and armour as efficiently as any ranger/warrior.
Priority - Low
- Sneak outdoors gives you a plant/bushes behind which you hide. Great! Indoors however a different animation would be more appropriate such as a pot plant or box/crate.
Priority - Medium
- When single clicking on containers, occasionally they jump (as if click + dragged). This however sometimes leads to containers 'jumping' to an unreachable spot and thus unable to be looted.
Priority - Medium
- Saving during open world dialogue (text above heads) and reloading that spot causes the concerned npc's to go silent and non-interactable.

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I'm following my last bug report here:

After solving the issue of my companion who was stuck on the ground I went back to the area:

I found a dungeon entrance guarded by an elite ork (I think, don't remember the name].

This guy didn't move or attack the whole time, he was just standing there so I was able to kill him without taking any damage.

Inside the dungeon on the top left area of the map I encountered a source abdominance. This guy seemed to be very powerful so I iced the area. He wasn't able to stand up the whole fight and it was really easy to beat him. He just got one hit on my ice elementar and killed him instantly.

I think if he had been able to stand up, he would have killed me in no time. I don't think this is supposed to happen.

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Bug - Mechanics

Priority - Medium

If you attack NPCs from range with spells, and the NPC is set as "stationary", it seems fairly random if a combat is triggered; they will stand still taking damage. Having said that, NPCs who are supposed to trigger flags, e.g. the drunken guards, will switch into combat without triggering dialogue. Doing this to the drunken guards & killing the one on the left leaves the one on the right "incommunicado". i.e. doesn't respond to dialogue tooltip, although you can force combat in the same manner.

I've seen this mentioned for Evelyn in the healer's hall breaking the main quest progression. i.e. you won't be able to obtain her stone as she won't give you the options to heal either NPC.

Solution - quest specific NPCs should definitely force dialogue on taking damage.


Bug - Mechanics

Priority - Low

Hostile mobs don't seem to target non-hostile combatants. In the first orc assault, the orcs will target you and ignore the green legionaries and you do not receive XP if the legionaries kill the orcs. This is opposed to Black Cove, where the orc<>undead battle works fine.

Solution - set friendly NPCs as temporary party members?


Bug - Mechanics

Priority - High

Fairly sure you can massacre the entire of the city abusing the infinite range of flare and never trigger any quest progression, but also never trigger being thrown into prison. This isn't that easy with level 1 chars, but I suspect it's doable.


Bug - Mechanics

Priority - Low/Medium

Not being able to loot bodies is just plain weird, especially given the amount of containers lying around. Surely, on death, all NPCs / mobs should become containers? (With If Empty = Decay) This is notable in that weapons used by humanoid mobs have a seemingly random % at dropping - the orc from the 'buried brother' quest is a particular one; occasionally, you'll get a very nice weapon drop, but most of the time nothing at all.

Last edited by SteamUser; 25/01/14 07:59 PM.
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You can do this with either guard, Junius or Bibius. I've posted video of me doing just this against Junius

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Originally Posted by lokitrixter
You can do this with either guard, Junius or Bibius. I've posted video of me doing just this against Junius

The point is that Junius is the trigger NPC for the quest; I suspect (and will go test) that killing Bibius won't impact anything at all.


If you kill Junius first, then Bibius (in separate combats), you get no inter-party dialogue (the golden ! = "Do you think we should have..." leading to +1 in traits); however, killing Bibius first, then Junius leads to it triggering.

Which is a bit odd.

On the other hand, if you do the same to the NPCs on the beach, on taking damage they spam you with a dialogue threat, but do not start combat, nor do they loose attitude, and are quite happy to have chats even after loosing 90% of health. On dying, the inter-party discussion about killing innocents does trigger.

So, basically - looks like DoS doesn't like the quest trigger NPC dying first.

Last edited by SteamUser; 25/01/14 08:22 PM.
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You can kill Bibius and Junius doesn't react. No dialogue is initiated if you go up to him after.

Last edited by lokitrixter; 25/01/14 08:08 PM.
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Originally Posted by lokitrixter
You can kill Bibius and Junius doesn't react. No dialogue is initiated if you go up to him after.

See above; I'd already stated that dialogue doesn't start, it's the quest trigger I was looking for. Which does trigger if Junius is killed after Bibius, but not if Bibius survives him. Hint: there is no us and this isn't a pissing match.

Far more interesting is that it seems no-one has set 'team tags' for these early NPCs, unlike the Black Cove fight, which is why I mentioned it. Likewise, the guards on the beach don't seem to protect each other, which is a little broken. But yes, your earlier report made me investigate this a little more closely.


Attacking Arnu leads to combat being initiated instantly, and a hilariously short fight - interestingly, legionaries in range also join the fight correctly. So, his flags are set correctly and they're allied.
230 damage x4 ... which means that certain NPCs are set to "God-like" levels, preventing them being killed off. A bit cheesy but hey

Last edited by SteamUser; 25/01/14 08:37 PM.
Joined: Jun 2013
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I kill Junius first and then Bibius and Scarlett and Roderick have conversation about killing innocents. I kill Bibius first and then Junius and Scarlett and Roderick have conversation about killing innocents. So I don't know why you aren't that's weird. I at first thought you meant the conversation about being off to see the wizard. One person said they were able to get that dialogue even though Bibius was killed. But I was unable to replicate. Don't understand what you mean by "there is no us and this isn't a pissing match." All I was doing was stating my findings in this matter. It was very similar to another one I had in a different thread. But yeah if I'm understanding you correctly now, you aren't getting the killing innocents dialogue after killing the guards in a certain order. But I got it both ways. So there's something strange going on there.

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- The mage at the Tiny Twins burial mound spends most of his turns just pacing back and forth near the hatch, unsure what to do.

- I had trouble getting the zombie dog burial mound fight to trigger. One of my main characters was too far away to get the two-person version of the “is that a zombie dog” line, and then I did the escort quest, saved and quit. When I loaded, the zombie dog wouldn’t bark to trigger the fight. It didn’t react when I attacked it. It was only after I killed it that the fight triggered.

- The huge gold piles in the underground room are non-blocking.

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