Originally Posted by Zach
Originally Posted by Haleseen
Originally Posted by Dundalis
The thing is, if you are going for realism, then women shouldn't even be out on the battlefield fighting to the equal ability of men in the first place. Hell, they should barely be able to move (for very long anyway) in the heaviest armor, which would require a level of strength and constitution in real life.

As far as I'm concerned, if you can suspend disbelief for that, you can suspend disbelief for skimpy female armors. They are both unrealistic IMO. The most realistic would be to prevent women from wearing heavy armor, or even doing any hand to hand combat, but games will pretty much always portray women as equal to men in all facets in games these days to be politically correct.

I'm happy enough to suspend my disbelief with that, though I never play as a female, so I don't have to as much.

Who says men are stronger than women? My woman bested the village blacksmith when she was fifteen, and killed her first man less than a year later. The world sickens, and needs a woman's strong hand to restore it.

If you think that women are weak, you better hope that you stay anonymous online, otherwise, I'm sure someone will be willing to shove your words down your throat.

Men and Women are physically built differently than each other, and there are also hormonal difference and differences related to muscle growth. You will ALWAYS find exceptions to the norm, outliers on the curve, but to construe that as some across the board fact of life that an average woman is just as strong as(or stronger than) an average male is disingenuous, and so is the way your reply assumes the poster was attempting to call women "weak".

It would be no better than someone trying to extrapolate the average man is a weakling because their male friends all happen to be weak.

But more to the point, and returning to the topic at hand. Whatever happened to "the empowered woman" being able to decide she likes to dress provocatively or show off her body?

Canned "women have just been conditioned by the patriarchy to think that way" response incoming.....

But in all technicality, the poster was calling women weak (also, my first sentence was a quote from Divine Divinity Female Warrior). Not allowing women to participate in hand to hand combat? Or even wear armor? Saying that that's realistic? That's indicative of some backwoods thinking that women are only for fucking. I'm not going to let this conservative dumbass put women down like that.