To be honest, If I were playing as a female character, I would like to have my character be able to look as cool as the male characters. I really like the work that artists do on male character armor and clothing. Generally they all look decked out in metal with lots of weird little additions to their armor, extra plates here and there, and things like that. But then you look at armor bikini... and... well it's just not the same. I don't mind that it exists, but I definitely would like the option of having a few sets that had 'walking tank' like styles to them.
Technical and practical assumptions aside, this is still a fantasy game, and should include some more choices if people want them, it shouldn't really be an 'either/or' part of the game.
I personally don't find appeal in the whole 'strip of clothing' armor that 'protects' as much as the male character's heavy armor. But, whatever floats your boat.