Originally Posted by Kein

We have an official speaker for the whole community. Isn't that amazing.

Honestly bro don't We the gaming community have enough stupid mmo's that do this? Must we have it in a quality rpg that wants to be special? No you all either want women to look like you could screw them at any moment of the day even on the battle field, or you could use them as a real meat shield.
Pardon me for being harsh but in my mind this is cruel to women, who won't be able to even look at their character and its cruel that developers even pander to gamers who are so obsessed they HAVE to have this as a feature.
You consider this is apropriate ??? [Linked Image] Do you pity the game does not show you how brutal a death this sort of "heroine" would meet!
I may never even make a female hero for my party in DOS, or even allow one to join unless Larian bothers to at least make a few appropriate female outfits! But the fact they did not consider making armor look like armor on women from the start worries me. NUFF SAID!
[Linked Image]
I forget ofc that is hard to make everyone happy, but im my mind and I am sure im not alone there is a sheer lack of proper fantasy armor for women!

Last edited by Marius Voinescu; 02/02/14 06:57 AM.

Death and glory!