- Using Flare on an Ice surface does not work properly: It produces a fire surface, instead of a water surface like it should.

- If Enemy1 is charmed, and is attacked by Enemy2, then the charm wears off, Enemy1 will retaliate against Enemy2.

- A “Maul” has the icon and model of an axe. It also does slashing damage, so maybe the name is wrong? I thought Mauls are blunt weapons, that do crushing damage.

Originally Posted by Bittereinder
Originally Posted by Buzkill
I was escorting Wulfram back to Cyseal and was half way there, did a quick save but happened to press it just as Wulfram got into combat.
After loading then finishing the combat, he no longer runs back to town, he just stands there.
When you click on him he just says, We can talk when we get back to town.

It's another example of (quick)loading messing with the AI's scripted routines. This is going to cause a lot of problems for unsuspecting players if it's in the release version, so I hope it's not too difficult to fix.

Oh, it's probably going to be worse than that, thanks to Teleporter pyramids and the Homestead button. If the coders haven't taken those into account or disabled them in selected places... what a headache.