- You can't confront the mortician with the fake sheep body if you talked to him about "jakes body" prior owning the death sheep.

- You cannot give the sheep ownerin the 100 Gold you got from the mortican as repay for killing her sheep. (maybe it's intended this way dunno)

- Arhu's stash gets duplicated multiple times. I guess it happens everytime he shifts from human form to cat form and vice versa.

- You can trade with Dietman before the fight. He will eventually drop everything you gave him except gold.

- I let Jack 'the chicken that got away' live but couldn't talk to him because i hadn't got the petpal perk yet and planned to do that later. However in the meantime he walked into one of the tents (the one where barrels are standing in) on the opposite side of the mess and was unreachable there, because you can't turn the camera to a degree where you can look inside the tent.

- The spell 'Minor Flare' is a standard spell of the wizard. Strangely i could buy and LEARN this spell again (from Arhu or the fireelemental in the homestead not sure anymore). What happend then the Spell 'Minor Flare' got added to the Skillbook again and the original Spell turned into another Spell 'Initiate's Flare' with the same effect but with lower ap cost and less damage. At least that's what i think was happening because 'Minor Flare' in the action bar got automatically replaced by the other spell. Other theory is that the book is titled wrong and that the action bar got confused by two spells with the same name randomly choose one.

- I found stacking and non stacking 'Empty Potion Flask' stacks (pun intended). Had a stack of 15 stacking flasks and one with 3 but couldn't combine them. Maybe they are different but accidentally share the same title.

- I happend to have a non reachable item in the inventory. What does that mean? The inventory grows and shrinks with the amount of items you find. I had so many items in the inventory so it got pretty big and one of the last items was a sword. When i selled alot of that stuff (i forgot the sword though) the inventory shrinked back to a normal size and the sword got inaccessible in the inventory. I wouldn't have noticed if the trade window wouldn't have showed me a big scrollbar for my inventory. I scrolled down and found the sword but couldn't place it in the trade window. Looked into my inventory and saw there wasn't a sword. I forced the inventory to grow by placing items at the bottom of it until i reached the row with the sword.

- The killing of enemies by allied forces doesn't yield any experience.

- The door at the lighthouse got destroyed during the fight but the magical lock remained intact. I could guide my party through the door but couldn't get back outside.

- You can carry crates and other containers in the inventory and you can open them from there too. At least you can do that for a certain time after putting the container in your inventory. After a while or reloading you can't open them anymore. You can see the opend container for a millisecond before it close automatically. To fix that issue you have to drop the container on the ground put it back into your inventory.

- Sometimes the leading (and therefore talking) person switches without my doing e.g. when you get teleported to the homestead the first time or use the teleporter stone in the inventory for the first time. My active character was always Roderick but after the teleport and the automatic engaging conversation it was Scarlett. Bad if you have to use reason, intimidate and so forth and that character is bad in that particular area.

- You can phoenix dive jump over the closed gate in the black cove that leads to the big crab.

- Dualdialogs between Roderick and Scarlett seem to trigger just once per installation (sounds stupid i know)?. For example the conversation about the guy who jumped of the cliff, the fleeing chicken or the guy who burned his house. This dialogs never occured again for me. Not when reloading not in a new game.

- Had a rare bug where all ingame text lost its position even the buttons of the menu were affected and therefor unlabeled. This bug was triggerd by an action in the inventory but i don't know what exactly. Alt tabbing out of the game and back fixed that issue.

- The teleportation mechanic that keeps the player inside the alpha boundaries somtimes had the effect that the teleported character was shown at the new and the old position. Just in case this mechanic is used somewhere elese.