Originally Posted by Stabbey
You're not listening either. Picking up little pieces of information is one way for quests in this game to start.

You're right that the quest should update when you find the sheep corpse. That seems more like an omission of Alpha than by design.

I get that quests start from tidbits. I have no problem with that. I just don't like random pieces of information being called a quest. It seems the quest log is more a journal, and it just fills up with pieces of information. Not everything I hear needs to be labelled a quest.

I'd much rather have a separate journal and quest log. Quest logs holds actual quests, with information and such, for example the Esmeralda guilt thing, or the main quest. Things that take up more than 3 lines.

Then have a second screen, the Journal, that is for little things.

Guards on the Bridge:

  • Ran into some guards on the bridge.
  • Killed them.

Bertia's Lost Sheep

  • Bertia claimed her sheep was stolen.
  • Found a suspicious sheep corpse.
  • Confronted thief, then reported back to Bertia.