You're right, I did not mean to be dismissive, and I apologize for that.

All I was trying to say was that it does not seem to me that the alpha's bug reports have quieted down much since the message from Lar was posted saying that they didn't want to be swamped with editor stuff on top of the rest of the things.

Even if you don't care about the base game, a better base game means a stronger community, which means a wider audience for mods.

Originally Posted by Cromcrom

I trust there is a whole patient and silent community waiting to put its hands on it, and maybe even don't care about balancing whatever, because we, modders, could probably balance and mod some very deep system, for what I have glimpsed of the toolset.

You don't care about balancing because you can just mod it out? I don't agree that being able to mod a game is a great substitute for trying to put good balance in from the start. Look at Oblivion - years later and people still talk about the atrocious implementation of level scaling and random bandits wearing the most expensive armour in the game asking you for 100 gold.

As I said, the better the base game is, the wider the audience will be, which is only good for modders.