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Haven't been playing the new version long, but I found one very irritating bug: Transferring items between PCs is considered theft, even if the item was legitimately acquired. I have yet to test if this occurs with anything other than money, however, as that is what I was transferring at the time.

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Bug - Content

Priority - Low

The mortician's routine script seems broken. I have only once (in several play throughs) encountered him downstairs.


Bug - Content

Priority - Low

You can kill the Weaver of Time.


Bug - Mechanics

Priority - Low

Only happened once [location: Black Cove pirate fight], however my flare spell rolled for back-stab chances.


Bug - Mechanics

Priority - Medium

Accidentally moved a medium potion onto a stack of medium healing potions (x14) with a character who can craft. Result? Stack disappears, I have x1 large healing potion.


Refutation of bug

NPC: Bertia

Contrary to reports, her dialogue seems to work "throw that hog in the grinder", even though she never takes the gold: the problem is that she hides under the awning. You can just target her through a hole in the cloth, but it's very finicky. On testing, this doesn't quite work - she repeats the quest specific dialogue each time you speak to her.

Suggestion: how about moving her to behind the healers, by the second sheep? (Eastern one). This NPC is incredibly hard to spot atm.


Bug - Mechanics

Priority - Low

Arhu duplicates his spellbook inventory each time he changes (? I think?). Currently has x4 sets interspersed with other items.


Bug - Content

Priority - Low

Large Stag / deer's conversation is in parenthesis. e.g. [I am a deer]

Last edited by SteamUser; 16/02/14 02:17 AM.
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Fish Thief?
Not sure if it's a bug or not but it can probably be done better...

I went into the market and the thief started dialogue and I decided to see what would happen if I let him steal it.

The guard left him alone and I followed "Robin" and I could not speak to him and then he got a certain distance and then just vanished...

Crime Scene Door?
The guard outside says you can't enter without permission, so I begin smashing the door down with my sword and he standard there and does nothing literally next to the door?

Reginald the Illusionist bug
When Reginald goes to confront the other performer his text boxes still continue at his original location even though he is not there?

Exploration bug?
At around co-ordinates x393,y221 you can go into the water, if you right run along the right hand side bank, you will get to an area that teleports you straight to Cyseal gate entrance, no Alpha message or anything. I Saved and then tried it a second time, re-producible.

Bookshelf in Evyln's House Bug
The bookshelf above the table still when you click on it makes you run outside the house and then it will open from outside the house.

Roberts House Coffin Bug
Upstairs in Robins house there is a Coffin on the table, if you destroy the coffin, the coffin floats in the air.

Esmerelda's House Bug
If you smash the table with the Candleholders on it, the table vanishes and Candleholders + key are floating in the air. Plus Candleholders seem invincible and I cannot access the bookshelf above where the desk was.

Esmerelda's Dungeon Bug
When you smash the table, the chest and plates hover in air.

Evyln's Pouch Bug?
I was speaking to Thelyron and he told me Evyln left her pouch and I could take a look. I had already picked up the pouch but finished conversation and then opened my inventory in front of him. I opened the pouch and then I believe dragged the key into Inventory and it flagged as stealing, not sure if that is a bug.

Even if he gave me permission to look at the pouch but not steal it, it was already in Inventory and so I don't think it should have flagged?

Evyln's House Bug
I think if you smash the door to Evyln's house and then leave and go back to the house the debris stops you from entering the house? Characters will just not enter the house now...

Last edited by Rothgar; 16/02/14 08:03 AM.
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Location: Scotland
I loaded a quick save and skills I'd added to a main character and companion since the previous quick save were missing.

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Location: Norway
It's a bug that reflexes is in character creation, and even that some of the presets have a point in this. As it is stated in the kickstarter update that the reflexes ability is removed.

Abilities: The ability Reflexes has been removed. If you want to have a chance to evade attacks, you need to invest in Dexterity. Intelligence no longer gives extra Ability points. Perception now also determines you Critical Chance.

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Joined: Mar 2003
Location: Canada
Originally Posted by hairyscotsman
I loaded a quick save and skills I'd added to a main character and companion since the previous quick save were missing.

Did you try manually loading the quicksave? The list of saves isn't always in reverse chronological order, so if you hit F8 to quickload, it may just not have loaded the most recent one.

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RtM Offline
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Only played this once so far but found a bug when things overlapped.

When opening 2 barrels close to each other without closing the first both barrels which show inventory become large white squares. Same happens when I open both player inventories without closing the first initially. I happened also with a single chest.

Then it crashed frown

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Joined: Feb 2014
As a "Divinity Fan" (having played all the games in the series - several times) I'd first like to congratulate the developers on a fantastic new job! I'm looking forward to playing the finished version. (Could you at least open up the Church for the next update?)

Here are some comments:
- Lighthouse confusion?. Apart from the 2 additional undead, the procedure doesn't appear to have changed from the previous update. However, a great change has been made to the Giant Crab - this fight is now really "nightmarish" (and don't enter it without the teleport pyramids in your inventory).
- Burial Mounds now contain some of the best treasure imaginable, but although the "order" has been changed on the Old Tombstones, the activation procedure has not!
- Snorri's new "challenge" isn't working.
- East Teleport. This won't allow companions through (to the North Coast Teleport).
- Black Cove re-entry still "crashes", preventing completion of the "ghost" quest(s).

Most other "new" bugs I've encountered have already been reported.

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Joined: May 2010
Hi guys! I have some new bugs for at this build, most of them are breaking-game mechanics bugs
So there will be a lot of screens

I`m honestly tried to make sure that there wasn`t any information about them and did read 15 of 23 pages and my head is about to burst out! So sorry if I repeat something that had posted already.

Here we go.

1)Major bugs of game mechanics
There exclamation mark can be appeared above dead party member
1a) And enemies could try to kill already dead man!

2)Major bug (unreproducable)Sudden separation of party members
Description of that

-When two protagonists started the first battle with orcs on the beach, my wizard-female tried to cast flare to the shaman and it seems didn`t work -because balls of magic didn`t reach the shaman it was if there invisible wall,THEN suddenly my female wizard`s positon was reseted to our previous encounter with crabs and she forced to run to male-warrior in TURN-BASED COMBAT MODE.

HOW I managed to do that I DON`T KNOW!? jawdrop confused

3)Middle\High bug of mechanics -Possibility to gain exp from Ressurected creatures\NPC

4)Teleportation spell doesn`t make angry NPC`s even Arhu and you can kill him without fear(but it`s long toooo long!!!)It took me 2,5 hours-))

Poor Arhu and his controller-) Hehehe

4a)You cannot gain exp when killing merely by teleportation because it won`t trigger combat mode, but if you provoke NPC and will make dead shot by teleportation spell then You`ll gain exp for that.

5)High\middle bug of game mechanics -When you standing not far from first Arhu encounter place and when you try to kill somebody or steal something or reaarange items which is NOT yours then will appear warning dialog which you can see below

and another one

6)Litlle bug of game mechanics-Sometimes it is hard select one of two items lying together-
Example:There is hammer and bucket under it and it`s hard to select only hammer and when you finally managed to select hammer
game tells you about ran out of free space.

7)Serious bug of game mechanics - I can summon 3 or 4 Air elementals by scrolls of Summoning Air Elemental-of Divine level

These scrolls you can find after Arhu`s killing ,at least I found them there

8)Minor bug of statistics-Roderic has already dead HOW he can have 14 Hitpoints?!

The same story with Scarlett but she`s not dead ,she has 107/93 but there are not any booster or skills which enchanced your health-What`s wrong then?

9) Minor bug-You can see interior cells on the general map-just look in I cannot explain this better

10)It`s not bug I think but funny thing -look with great attention to the bush.I actually sat down and sneaked on

11)Minor bug-I saw somewhere that we won`t be able to through items into water, but I could-(

12)Minor content bug-I know this is the ALPHA ,but what is this ???

13)Minor game logics bug -There is no feedback that teleportation destination`s choice is too far (it`s have effect about 15 meters)But sounds good you cannot teleport futher more than 15 meters

14)Graphic glitches
A) mark

B)I don`t recall exactly how I managed to do that but if you make camera to fly too high you can find some leaves above your heads

C)I don`t know how to explain this just look

another one

D)I like these windows very much, but I think there are to much of blur effect and you cannot see what happens on the street.

E)This one

15)The most crazy things I`ve ever done in D:OS
I don`t know how to classify these-but Larian if it possible to fix then fix it!!

P.S. IT IS NOT Photoshop or something similiar You can try out by Yourselves ,personally I had much fun to do that

A) evil

b) evil aargh

C) meh woehoe

There is tendency to build towers from crates and at one moment You won`t be able to do that, because game tells you is"too high" but I found how to outsmart this just put bench sit down there -(!yeah yeah YOU can do it!!) -much higher level as much as you can and then you can operate with objects beneath you
But enemies can get you otherwise!
A) :hihi:

b) jawdrop

C) groovy

P.P.S Uhahaha!!! I`m not crazy I`m just curious devil

That all for now thank you for reading I think it helped you!!

Last edited by James 540; 16/02/14 11:58 AM.

Experience is a hard master but a good teacher-Proverb of RPG player (c)
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Stabbey Offline OP
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1) A weird one: Maybe it's because I was alt-tabbing back and forth at the time, but once the turn order icon got confused: It showed that it was a Skeleton's turn, but it was actually Madora's.

2) The Icons for status effects can still get messed up. One amusing instance was when the "Healing" status effect was replaced with Madora's portrait. Madora's status: Madora. Scarlett's status: also Madora.

3) Also, there is a "use potion" status effect, even though potions are instant effect. Is the idea that you can only use one potion a turn, and the icon is a reminder of that? In any case, mousing over it says that its duration is 2 turns, and it is not.

Black Cove:

4) I cast flare right on one of the bombers at the trap, and it blew them all up, but the fire surface didn’t follow the oil up the hill. Nor did it follow the trail if you cast right on the puddle at the bottom. Is that intentional?

5)Billeh Gahr’s trap, being special and escapable, should probably require a much higher perception check to spot.

6)When you entering the secret hatch in the black cove hatch, the combat log shows you gain Exploration XP twice. Other places don't seem to do that to the log.

7) Request: Make the “Exotic” lever a repeatable pull. smile It makes it much faster to get back to the Ominous black door that way.

8) In the combat log “Lily took no dmg” . Damage is fully spelled out elsewhere in the log.

9) We can’t pick up the Inert stone in the black cove. It looks like something that we shouldn’t just leave there. Cause you know - crazed dragon-killing spiders and super-human pirates happened the last time.

10) The map for the black cove is wrong and shows three circular dias things in the switch room surrounded by all the other switches. That’s from a previous version of that map.

11) Is the spider supposed to be a formless black shadow with no textures?

12 )The game only lets you attack huge enemies from certain angles. I’m standing right beside it, yet I’m told that I have to walk 5 steps elsewhere first. This has been an issue with the Sparkmaster as well.

Originally Posted by krist2
It's a bug that reflexes is in character creation, and even that some of the presets have a point in this. As it is stated in the kickstarter update that the reflexes ability is removed.

Abilities: The ability Reflexes has been removed. If you want to have a chance to evade attacks, you need to invest in Dexterity. Intelligence no longer gives extra Ability points. Perception now also determines you Critical Chance.

In this case, I will note that equipment can contain bonuses to Reflexes.

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Stabbey, you seem to know your way around that room in the Black Cove with a giant skull and many levers - how to open the giant skull?

Also, some bugs:
-Headless Nick's head is not pickable. Maybe because I've already done the quest about the crowd warmer.
-Some companions' dialogue triggers are broken - after some event an exclamation sign appeared over Madora's head, but I was unable to talk to her since then.
-Wasn't there supposed to be a ghost in one of the buildings near source abomination in the Black Cove? He's gone now, maybe because I went to the right path first.
-Can't give back the dead sheep to Bertia, no matter in what order I solve that murder quest.
-The Strongman quest is bugged if none of the protagonists are warriors - Snorri says something about lifiting stacked crates he will summon, but then does nothing.
-Enemies that are scripted to say something before battle always attack at first sight and say their lines only if you get closer to them.

Last edited by Aramintai; 16/02/14 03:28 PM.
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Stabbey Offline OP
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Originally Posted by Aramintai
Stabbey, you seem to know your way around that room in the Black Cove with a giant skull and many levers - how to open the giant skull?

Here's a hint:
You find the single lever that opens it. It's not a combination, and it's not on the other side of the map from the decoy levers.

Also, some bugs:
-Some companions' dialogue triggers are broken - after some event an exclamation sign appeared over Madora's head, but I was unable to talk to her since then.

I got this after talking to Desmondea (sic). She got the exclamation mark, and I couldn't talk to her after that.

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Joined: Dec 2010
Originally Posted by Aramintai
Stabbey, you seem to know your way around that room in the Black Cove with a giant skull and many levers - how to open the giant skull?

One of the levers will open it. Keep looking for levers that you haven't pulled yet. And as a hint, it would be a good idea to leave one of your pyramids lying around on the floor until you find the right lever.

-The Strongman quest is bugged if none of the protagonists are warriors - Snorri says something about lifiting stacked crates he will summon, but then does nothing.

The same thing happens if the character you control is a warrior, actually. I think the quest simply hasn't fully been implemented yet. Same thing goes for the Billeh Ghar encounter.

-Enemies that are scripted to say something before battle always attack at first sight and say their lines only if you get closer to them.

This is particularly egregious in Evelyn's hide-out. One time it even caused one of my characters to glitch out and walk to an entirely different area of the map, during combat(!). Conversation with enemies needs to get triggered sooner, before there is a chance for combat to automatically start.

Originally Posted by Stabbey
I got this after talking to Desmondea (sic). She got the exclamation mark, and I couldn't talk to her after that

As I said in my first bug report, that's also the only time it happened for me.

Last edited by Bittereinder; 16/02/14 04:31 PM.
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Originally Posted by Stabbey
I got this after talking to Desmondea (sic). She got the exclamation mark, and I couldn't talk to her after that.

Yea, it's probably where it happened, now that I think about it.

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Originally Posted by Bittereinder

The same thing happens if the character you control is a warrior, actually. I think the quest simply hasn't fully been implemented yet. Same thing goes for the Billeh Ghar encounter.

I remember in earlier versions I could just fight and kill him.

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Joined: Dec 2010
What I noticed so far (and sorry if i repeat what was already posted - only read 2 pages):
1. Characters - when linked/chained together - do not follow through the portal (I go with Roedrick - the other 3 i got in party keep standing and staring at the waypoint) - I have to select each one of them and teleport myself to another location I need to go
2. Several items do not have their description - most often i find hammers, what seems to be lockpick scrolls, tongs (in mage's room)
3. Relates to 2 - items without description cannot be sold to vendors. It triggers "your offer insults me".
4. Several recipes do not work - for instance from Dead Bodies III - I am unable to create magic starfish when combining pouch of pixie dust and starfish...
5. When trying to use Arhu SparkMaster5k Universal Controller - there is only one out of 27 combinations that works (AAA) - and it seems to be turning off the controller not the robot. All the combinations provided in the manual have no effect.
6. Few times my game crashed after trying to attack with Medora using 2h weapon. (sent files so they can be examined)
7. You cannot refill cups or bucket from water barrels smile You actually have to use regular barrels for that.

Last edited by mechati; 16/02/14 05:38 PM.
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Originally Posted by mechati

4. Several recipes do not work - for instance from Dead Bodies III - I am unable to create magic starfish when combining pouch of pixie dust and starfish...

Pouch of pixie dust needs to be combined with pouch of bone dust to make another pixie dust pouch that you can use to enchant items. This is probably a work in progress because you can't tell one pouch from another.

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old hand
old hand
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I simplified some recipes, still need to change the books.

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Also as I started playing with new patch:
- invested points in lockpicking for survivalist during the character selection and don't have the skill when starting the game

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Hi, Guys. I just bought the game and the first playing experinece is when I just started to play the window scrols down every 1-2 minutes and it's impossible to play at all. Can you help me or ask developers to fix this annoying bug.

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