Originally Posted by Chaotica
ok, here is a post from a friend of mine experience (not mine, I am still testing the new version)
first bad point (and I saw there is a topic about that) he is a bit frustrated that there are only few combat before reaching cyseal and then in cyseal you have a loooooong gaming session without any fight (except it you get caught stealing or attack people) few more combat should be interesting (and IMO, yes few other optionnal combat should be added)
talking about progression, he feels that you are not really free of doing what you want, when you can finally leave cyseal, the level of the monsters is kinna hard so he had to go back in town to do few quest to lvl up (euh personnally, my friend and I did a lot of optionnal quest and the main quest until we found out who was the murderer before leaving cyseal, and still the fights were not so easy...)
guideline to up your character in the way you selected it should be added (I like to build it myself personnally, but he was completely lost about where should he put his talent and trait points and so on...)

well I will still play a bit more before talking about my game

I really agree with your friend.
Cyseal = long boring mandatory inquiry part. You have to stay there because of the undead packs. NAd I am not the stealing or murdering people kind of player...

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