It was never indeed our purpose or goal to enable people to max out several abilities. It's a party based RPG after all. You can get a bunch of abilities to 4 and we are trying to make a level 5 ability really count. And like Stabbey says, items that have a +1 to an ability will become and feel more important. I think you'll understand once you see the new skills and the way they are organized and distributed. I also think that it's still possible to create a hybrid character.
For instance, in my current game build, I have already noticed that the following is a killer combo, maybe even a bit overpowered: create a warrior, spec him as a textbook warrior for some levels (up to level 5 or 6) and then put one or two points in a certain undisclosed magic school (or two), and you've got yourself one really powerful dude.
This actually sounds a lot more like a genuine classless RPG than just throwing a lot of skill points at the player, (which, depending on the available skill tree in a game, could also work).
I just trust you guys to know what you're doing.