Originally Posted by Bearhug
I am just curious...
What's that big deal with the desire to hide a helmet when you think your noodle needs one?
Are players afraid hat others might see them in an embarrassing helmet or they cannot see their stylish hair?

I am just asking as this reminds me a bit like Wonder Woman in her invisible jet, deux ex machina.
You're right, I could care less if the feature is in the game or not as long it is just optional and it's just a solo game where just one in that world wears invisible helmets.

I just find it an odd feature in all those games, letting me wonder why they not also offer invisible armor (actually, some games do like EQ2) in case you want to show off your biceps and the rest of your body the gods graced you with in the game.
I just can guess that this must be a result of modern society which wants everything in one without compromises.
Maybe the dev team should at least toss in as counter some deduction in communication skills as I doubt one sounds not as good with a full helmet or might at leats freak out some NPC's as every convenience should have some price tag and even it is just a tiny one as we have enough games without ANY consequences called MMO's.

Just some thoughts to the topic. I am sure they can easily integrate it in the game by just making the artifical 'toupee' invisible and it would not hurt except some folks vanity or their embarrassment.
An when you're at it dev team, please have also a heart for the exhibitionists under the players. ;p

Hide helmet is where powergaming meets roleplaying :P PLayers want to have their character good looking, but do not want to loose some deffensive stats.
Personally, I don't like invisible helmets and would not use such feature.
The best solution is complicated to implement - IRL knights wore helmets (and armors) only during battles. It could be achived in game by unequiping those while in town, but it is too much micromanagment to be fun. So it could be automated by programers.
But it is a little harder in a game with no "safe area" - should armour magicly appear as soon as you start bar-fight or not?

Or maybe it could be programed with a hotkey (and if supriiced with fight, suit up would take yor AP)?