I didn't run into any "big" problem so far, just some small things I'll report here.

- On the dock, there's a tomato basket that has no name : http://i.imgur.com/7CpGqY1.jpg

- The 2 drunken legion guards speak about you as a "he", even if you play 2 females, being drunk doesn't excuse that, was obliged to kill them.

- Dunno if it's intended but you can "jump" into the locked treasure room with tactical retreat, right under the nose of the guard. Handy, but quite strange.

- As already mentionned, AI following you doesn't avoid obvious landmines. Probably normal but still boring.

- I find it sad when you lost your picklock tool on a door that you can't picklock, when nothing warn you before. Would be great to be able to observe the lock before to estimate its complexity.

- When you're bartering, you can't switch to your other char inventory, you're obliged to quit the dialog and launch it again. Maybe normal due to the barter skill, but if you manage to have a price in a shop with a friend next to you, the seller would not charge him full price 2 seconds later, the barter skill should work for all the party.

- The click space to hit a mob is way to small for me. On a normal quiet mob, it's not really difficult to target, but I was against a half-zombie after the tunnel, and I was obliged to zoom in to be able to click on him without having my mage running toward him. I'm not really sure I explained the issue correctly here, sorry if it's not really english.

- As someone mentionned it in the other post, a crafting tutorial would be really welcome, got my inventory full of ingredients, and have no clue on how to use them so far.

- Madora got some missing dialogue lines, same goes for the witchcraft spell seller in a room of the inn.

- In the legion building on the dock, I tried to pickup some parchment on the table, and everybody went completly insane. The legion attacked me, brutal for a simple piece of paper, but at least, logical. Then the town people attacked the bulls outside.
And while I was running out of this mess, the legion started killing both the townpeople and animals.

- Dunno why, but I've got 2 items in my inventory that I can't identify, they require level 1 loremaster, like all the others I identified so far, but these 2 don't work. Was obliged to identify them at the merchant. BTW, would be great in my opinion if the money for identification was going in the merchant purse, seemed to me it was just vanishing, but maybe I didn't pay enough attention).

- Go a strange bug, I got the "rift" icon that has the green blink, but dunno what to do with it. Went to the strage place but nobody had anything to say there, so dunno why it's blinking, it's pretty boring when it doesn't wanna stop...

Last edited by Lynma; 03/04/14 04:49 PM.