Originally Posted by Gyson
Just a head's up, another (~93 MB) patch was just released. I'm not sure what it changes/fixes as there doesn't seem to be any patch notes available yet.

Larian's twitter mentioned that they'd release a quick patch to fix a bug with the error-reporter. Maybe that's it?

Originally Posted by michaelm
I create my characters and then start the game.

Immediately, a dialog box pops up saying "You or your partner has gone and done it! It seems your party member needed a break from your bad behaviour. Check the King Crab Inn if you'd like to get them back."

The accept box is unclickable and remains so throughout the opening cinematics. The result is, during the initial voice over, some kind of pirate ship background that I can't see at all because this dialog box is in front of it.

You picked "Lone Wolf" as one of your starting Traits, right? I think that's the cause of that one.