Originally Posted by Raze
Originally Posted by Gyson
We used to be able to chain two followers to one hero while the other roamed around alone. So, you're saying that is no longer the case?

If one character has the Lone Wolf Talent, you can not recruit a second companion, unless you ask the first to leave the party. Then they can not rejoin unless you dismiss the second.

You can group the companion to the main character that has Lone Wolf, though (at least in single player).

Ok, so basically every main character that has Lone Wolf = -1 follower slot for the entire party. There's no way to game the system and end up with Lone Wolf + 2 followers. That's fine.

I can't see myself ever using that talent as it's like opting out of extra storyline material (you no longer have the follower interaction), and it really cuts down on the "squad" feeling of the tactical combat. However, I can see how some might want it (particularly on playing through the game additional times).