- Pressing 'M' opens the map, pressing it again doesn't close it.

- If you expand all ability groups in the character creation menu you can hardly tell if you spend one or more points into 'Reason' or 'Lucky Charm' or even one at all. And the upper end of scroll bar seems misplaced.

At first i thought it is invisible but it could be caused by light red/green blindness.
[Linked Image]

- The door of the mess seems to be misplaced.

[Linked Image]

- Sometimes Arhu faces the opposite direction when you talk to him for the first time. I guess it depends on how quickly you move up the bridge and interrupt his walking routine.

[Linked Image]

- Encountered a problem where your character doesn't pick up the item you ordered him to pick up. He does the 'picking up' gesture but doesn't get the item. This happens very frequently with items lying on top of objects. I should mention that i used the highlight function to pick up the items.

A good example are the items on this table in the tutorial dungeon.
[Linked Image]

- If the line of sight of your leading character is to low you can't see whom the cloaked guy, infront of the tutorial dungeon, is talking to. Makes you think he's talking to himself.

[Linked Image]

- The text of this book brakes the alignment of its weight and value information.

[Linked Image]

- Where is dat shell?

You only know its there because of the highlight function.
[Linked Image]

- Identifying items seems to be broken. I could not identify any of the items i found on my way to the city even though i had the required lore master skill point and the identifying glass (bought from the potion vendor on the market). The identifying progress bar appears when using the glass but nothing happens when it finishs.

- The tutorial dungeon warning message box appeares twice.

[Linked Image]

Last edited by Loadrunner; 04/04/14 12:39 PM.