- Had a weird bug with auto walking of a non active character. When i approached the Cyseal city gate for the first time my leading character was Scarlett followed by Roderick who had to catch up because his walking path got blocked by patrolling guards. Cause i know most of the things Arhu has to say i skipped most of it and choose 'Take my leave'. Just that moment Roderick catched up and came near Scarlett. But instead of stopping near by, he started wandering off into the city without my doing.

Although you can't do anything until you accept the message box, Roderick wandered off into the city without my doing. So i watched him a lil bit wondering where he wants to go.
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Took a short stop at the warehouse before moving on.
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In most cases he ended up standing on the stairs leading up to the market.
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This bug is reproduceable. Just make sure there is certain distance between the two characters like Scarlett standing near the bridge and Roderick on the way leading down the to beach fight. Then reconnect both chars so Roderick catches up. In the meantime use Scarlett to engage the conversation with Arhu and choose 'Take my leave'.

The funny thing about the auto walk thing is, that it leads to other strange bugs. For instance...

As i watched Roderick wandering around in the city the grieving orc event suddenly triggered and Scarlett got teleported infront ot the orc.
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Remember she was standing on the bridge where the conversation with Arhu takes places the whole time. How did she get there?
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A quick look on the map proofs that she got teleported there as there is still fog of war around her.
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Another one...

I tried to reproduce the grieving orc event thing and waited for it to happen. But this time the orc fight that takes place infront of the black cave got triggerd. WTF?
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Come at me bro i am level 2!
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Last edited by Loadrunner; 04/04/14 02:25 PM.