Couple bugs I've noticed (sorry if they've already been mentioned elsewhere):

-Some map location markers later disappear after first being placed on the map, and don't later reappear when the locations are revisited (mortician's building; legion cook's building, etc.)
-Some signs (such as the one outside the legion cook's building) are marked as "owned," so trying to read them triggers NPC aggro
-Moving containers up and down stairs causes containers to look disproportionately large during placement
-Still problems with level-up icons (both "arrows" and "plus signs") incorrectly appearing/not appearing over character portraits
-If you give Victoria's amulet to Egleander, but then immediately force-attack/kill him as he starts to leave the room, Victoria, and sometimes others, will no longer talk with you; it's definitely a bug, as there's no indication that anyone noticed the murder or is angry with you