Just picked up the game last night. Like what I see so far.

Luckily, only ran into one bug thus far:

-Floating barrels. Happens ~60% of the time after throwing one and then walking away until it's off-screen. I can still grab it.

I've been playing Diablo 3 lately, so maybe it's just me, but the characters feel very slow while walking/running around. Not sure if this counts as a bug.


-As others have mentioned, sound cuts in and out, and eventually dies down completely--with the exception of fireplaces and portals.

-Target box is small.

-C'mon, Murphy. You're supposed to run into hazards to save people, not because you're trying to tell me Timmy fell down a well while I'm in the middle of a fight.

-After playing for a few hours, start to hear static around portals and fireplaces.

-Game crashed once while quitting game. I've only played for about 10 hours, so a lot more crashes might pop up.

Last edited by Redbeard; 08/04/14 12:36 AM.