Divinity Original Sin BETA v1.0231.0 Texoru Bugs List

- The “rush” skill is bugged as sometimes the character will overlap or inside the enemy bubble space. There is also another bug where it will not go into the destination until the end of the turn the character will move up to their destination where it meant to be. Another bug with it also when interrupted by poison or fire surfaces the action will stop and the character landed on that surface but the skill still hurt the enemy from that distance as if my character is on the main destination.

- The “Fire Ship” quest triggered when exploring the left hand side of the walls to the chest.

- The exclamation mark between the two main characters can’t be intractable in the Homestead when teleported by the red stone from Evelyn’s house.

- Robert’s schedule arrest was fixed in alpha but now it’s back to the guard came out of his room and left out of Robert’s room.

- Freeing Robert from jail bugged as his not escaping or say’s anything, only he walked out of the jail door.

- You can still gift Robert’s some gift, where there should be no trade option with the prisoner.

- Orc Body armor has no visuals

- Evelyn’s secure box is locked but I have the key for it. Though when hitting the secure box a few times and now it’s unlocked when trying to interact with it again.

- Sounds of the game will be out of sync or sounds won’t play at all until you load a game or restart the game

- It’s impossible to target a “Tiny Twin” when they are knocked down. (Targeting works on the end of their body)

- Snorri quest is still broken though now you can drag the tomb lid properly. Though no Snorri anymore.

- Esmeralda’s interaction behind bar should be improved as it’s difficult when she is
behind the counter.

- When Richard is resurrected from battle and the battle ends, Victor still thinks Richard is dead.

- Characters still do an extra random animation attack

- Fire should melt ice to water instead of creating a fire surface.

- The “Unlocked” and “Locked’ text should appear when the player start their action on the door.

- Vargo banishes to the tree

- Resurrected animation happened twice when selecting the resurrected character while the first animation wasn’t completed.

- Cecil still have the “Not enough Space” bug

- The dying orc in black cove has animations problem as the orc start from dead on the ground

- The giant footprints still need to be worked on as it’s not implanted properly to the ground or in under water surfaces


- Picking up a health potion very quickly from chests, book shelves, barrels etc. will cause a crash.

- Crashed after the battle have ended with fire demon.

- Crashed when entering Black Cove from the beach.
All been sent to crash report.

Gameplay Improvements:

- When the main characters have been teleported by Evelyn’s red stone, Evelyn’s dialogue should add “Where have you been, I saw the interaction between you and the stone than you suddenly vanished”. Though I know the main quest still need allot of polishing to do as it’s broken right now on BETA.

Game braking bugs:

- This bug hasn't been fixed yet from alpha. When targeting an object or character by holding control than canceling the attack the animation will stop but the action will still be proceeded.

- This bug also hasn’t been fixed, when a character ends their turn in combat with their inventory UI screen up it still can be accessible [Glitch that a player can take advantage Of]

- The sounds in game and music are out of sync or sounds stop working, this bug was used to be only in Black Cove but now in some places the sounds will stop and be out of sync. You must load the game or restart the game to have sounds again.

- There is this serious bug where characters will do an extra random animation attack

- Enemy undead mages appear to use their attack spells at a random directions or at a dead AI bodies. It’s also not just them its other enemy’s that have attack spells.

- Enemies with attack spells are sometimes bugged as they are doing the animation but no animation of the fireball or any hit to the character.

- Sometimes picking up items will delay as you have to wait for the animation to finish to pick up another item or if you aren't close to the object.

- AI are still confused of characters gender

- There is something wrong with the balancing inside the cave of the machine. Richard, Victor and the skeletons can be killed in one turn. You have no time to save them unless you brake the quest as shown on my screenshots.

- The characters or enemy’s doesn't react when surfaces is burned, poisoned or electrify until it’s their turn. Alpha it was immediately when it should be.

- When AI are resurrected the AI still think they are dead (Yes, I killed Victoria to test it out and during combat with the machine), maybe they should not allow certain NPC’s to be resurrected.

- Characters can still walk (though sliding) when they are still doing spell\skills animations

- When using “Lightning Strike” the character moved to another position (spawned)

- The main quest is broken when entering down the “Ancient Tomb” in the church, where Jake and Thelyron will not appear in the town or in Evelyn’s lair (where Jake should appear but it wasn’t the case).

- Portals still can be glitch through by passing with teleport pyramids. (I have not tried phoenix dive yet)

- Constant exploration bug with Jake when you are done talking too Jake in his grave.

- Thelyron Undertaker’s hut quest is broken, as its not updated on the quest log or I can’t confront him or tell the Captain that his missing with evidence (Thelyron Diary)

- After talking to Desdemona Modra will have the “!” on top of the head for the rest of the game

- Charlene quest is bugged as she forgets that I already told her brother Tom has died.

- You can teleport Braccus Rex when the dialog of Braccus hasn’t been triggered than combat starts.

- I have not recruited the two companions but when the stone teleported my main characters to the Home Stead, I went back to recruit the two companions than head back to the Home Stead than return to normal grounds, Modora and Jahan “!” dialogue appears but they have never heard the conversion between ZixZax with the main characters.

AI Combat bugs:

- Lady Annah AI is bugged during combat she tends to keep running away and healing herself.

- Undead Mages tend to stay in one spot without doing anything or running from combat

- The AI Cultists are mainly focusing killing Jake

- When some enemy’s end their turn they faced the other way.

Features or NPC’s that I notice they have taken out from Alpha:

- NPC’s with the fishing Rods have been removed.


- There should be an indication of your weapons loosing durability, also it will be nice if they add visuals of your weapons and armour to see if they're worn, damage or badly damage as it will visually tell the player to repair the item or time to go back to the towns. As still there is no indication that you know your items will be broken until you figured it out in battle. (This is truly a must)

- As many suggested the repairing system need to be changed, make it more useful instead of downgrading the weapons and armour as it drives players away from using that skill. Make the repairing system more balanced and exciting such as you can make the weapons and armour upgradeable by adding more iron to it or what not to make it more durability, sharpness (damage), adding elemental effects, etc. which also can take an effect of your repairing skills to be used more efficiently for the player to put in.

- Change Repairing to Blacksmithing? If they decide to make the items to be upgradeable instead of downgrading it.

- The staff should also be used as a range weapon too but with lesser range than the bow\crossbow. They already added a nice feature with the ground attack so it does make the staff useful but it still need to add a range attack (Instead of using animations spells from the hands).

- Weapons with elemental\poison damage should have visuals or effects around the weapon that it will actually tell the player it's an elemental weapon (Fire, Ice, Water, Air and Poison). So far they added the visuals effects only when attacking the enemy by seeing a minor effect out of the weapon. This will truly help the immersion of the game. I always forget my weapon is an elemental weapon and realize that my weapon type heals the enemy, so I have to open up my inventory screen to see why its the case? So I switched to another weapon. (This is truly a must)

That's it for now will add more later, but most of these suggestions are currently missing for the players to understand and not wait until something happened for them to discover, they need to be more aware and be prepared what's to come.


The game is getting allot great and I'm surprised that you are adding more depth to the story and make it more interesting. The disappointing about the BETA is the main quest is broken at the moment but hopefully in the next current build we will see more in depth with the main quest. It's also currently has many crash issues but I send them all to report.

As always, Thanks Swen!

Last edited by Texoru; 07/04/14 09:47 AM.